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Hannah's POV


I slowly woke up to the sound of water dripping. My head was pounding and I went to rub it, but quickly found out my hands were tied behind my back. I was sitting in a metal chair in an empty room. All of the walls were cement and the only light was from a dim lamp hanging from the ceiling. From what I could tell, I was still in the same clothes from the club, which was a good sign. Other than my headache, I felt okay.

Of course I got myself into this shit. I should've just closed the door and ran back to the dance floor, where they never would've found me. The one time I ever break the rules, I get myself kidnapped. They're probably gonna kill me. I mean, they certainly didn't have a problem killing those other guys.

Tears wanted to run down my face, but I was silent. I was silent because I think I'm okay with dying. I haven't even started to live my life, but from how its been so far, it isn't one worth living. The tears wanting to come out are only for Olivia, and maybe Jake. The guy I've been in love with since freshman year finally kissed me, and it was my first.

I wanted to be afraid. I wanted to cry more. I just don't have any tears left. I've cried over the death of my parents, I cried when I got stuck with some of the worst foster families, and I cried when the good ones gave up on me. I cried so much in my past that, in the face of death, I couldn't even cry anymore.

My thoughts were cut off when the door in front of me opened, making a loud screeching noise. The man from earlier walked in. He held eye contact with me as he walked closer. He got closer and closer until he was directly in front of me.

"Who are you?" He asked. His voice was deep and demanding, but also smooth like velvet.

"H-Hanna." I stuttered, looking up at him. He had this powerful feeling, like he was in charge. I think he knew that too.

"Who do you work for?" He asked calmly. What?

"I don't work for anyone?" He looked like he didn't believe me. He examined my face, trying to figure out if I was lying.

"You know, the strongest of men have sat in that same chair and cried as soon as I came through that door. Why aren't you?"

"Because I think I know what's about to happen, and I'm okay with that." I mumbled, looking away from his strong gaze. A pained look flashed across his face, but he masked it just as quickly as it appeared.

"Do you know who I am, Hannah?" I don't know why, but something about the way he said my name gave me butterflies, even in this situation.


"Do you know where you are?" I looked around. There were no windows in the room, but I wasn't out for long.

"No." He sighed and took a few steps back from me. He paced in front of me two or three times before stopping and crossing his arms, making his muscles more defined.

"I'm Ace Russo, heir to the Sicilian Mafia. We're currently at one of our compounds in Sicily." I know most people only would've heard the first sentence, but I was more focused on the second.

"Sicily?! As in Italy?!" I asked, freaking out. He looked at me like I was crazy. "How the fuck am I in Sicily?! I wasn't out that long. Fuck, all I was planning on doing was sneaking out one night to go to a fucking club and now I'm in Italy! Karma is a real fucking bitch." I mumbled to myself, freaking out. I forgot Ace was even there till he cleared his throat, gaining my attention.

"Your not with another mafia are you?"

"No, I'm just a normal fucking girl who let her friends talk her into making a stupid decision that made her end up in fucking Sicily!" Honestly, I don't know why I was freaking out over this more than dying. I guess because dying doesn't break all the rules.

"Well." He sighed. "I'm sorry, but you're a 'normal fucking girl' that saw too much." He tells me.

"Just make it quick?" I asked him. I know he's here to kill me, and I'd rather he be the one to do it than Tammy and Bill. He wasn't silent for a moment as he stared at me. I don't know if he was debating how to kill me or what, but he was definitely thinking about something.

"You have two options here." He tells me. "Either we kill you or you join." My heart stopped when he said that. Join a mafia? Mafias are literally illegal groups that go out and do illegal things, you might as well just throw all fucking rules, morals, and ethics out the window at that point. "You have five minutes to decide." He tells me, walking out of the room.

Five minutes?! I have five minutes to decide if I want to die or join a fucking mafia?! How do I make a decision like that in five minutes?!

Death is something I've pondered many times in my life. I never had the guts to take my own life or even try to, but I've always thought I would be okay with dying. If I die though, I'll never get to see Olivia again. I'll never get to know what it's like to date Jake. I'll never know if there will be a point in my life that I don't wanna die.

Joining a mafia is something I never thought I would have to worry about in my life. Everything in mafia's is illegal. I've always been a rule follower, it's always been the one thing I'm good at. Now I'm given the option though, to die or go against everything I stand for. What would someone even do in my situation?

I hated it. I hated it so much I felt like throwing up, but I thought about Olivia. I thought about my best friend whose probably freaking out right now. I thought about Anne, the only person that's been there for me since I was eight. I thought about Jake, and how badly I wanted to kiss him again. I despised it entirely, but I would live. I would live for them.

Just as I made my decision, Ace came back into the room. He was silent for the longest time, studying me. He did that a lot. He was a very observive person. I don't know what he was expecting me to say. I don't know what the correct answer even was, but I knew what I had to do.

"Have you made your decision?" He asks.

"I'll join." He paused, almost as if he didn't expect that answer.

"Are you sure?"

"No." I tell him honestly. He nods. He pulls out a knife, causing me to slightly jump, before walking behind me and cutting the rope off of my wrists.

"Follow me." He mumbles before walking out of the room. I did as I was told and followed him down the hallway and into an elevator, where he pressed the 6th floor button. From what I could tell, we were just in the basement and the building had 10 floors.

We got off on the 6th floor as he walked me down a hallway that also had concrete walls. There were doors on either side and a couple people walking in the opposite direction of us. They all nodded their heads respectfully at Ace before continuing with their conversation.

Ace stopped at a door on the right side of the hall before walking in. My jaw dropped at the sight of the room. It was like a studio apartment, with a bed, a small sitting area, and a tiny kitchenette. It was decorated beautifully with colorful patterns and a ton of plants.

"This is your room. Your key is on the table. If you want to redecorate, let your Capo know. New clothes will be brought to you tomorrow morning before training. If you have any questions, ask your hall mates." He said before leaving.

I have no clue what a Capo is, but I don't think I want to change the decor. It was exactly my style and more decorated than any room I've ever had. I looked out the window and saw the night sky. I don't really know what a mafia is supposed to be like, but I could get used to living like this.

I was about to get on the bed and pass out, but there was a knock on my door. I opened it to see a girl with long blonde hair and green eyes smiling brightly at me. She seemed sweet and innocent, definitely not someone you would think is in a fucking mafia.

"Hey, I'm Sarah. You must be the new girl." She says. She was American?

What the fuck is this place?


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