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Hannah's POV


"Why are you here?" I ask him as he looks me up and down, hungrily.

"It's been awhile since we last saw each other. I just wanted to have a little chat." Kai says. 

He closes the door, leaving him in the darkness. I could hear footsteps before a loud screeching that made me cringe. Kai grabbed another chair and dragged it over to me, stopping it right in front of me. He sat down in it and we were knee to knee.

"How's Cixi?" I ask him. He tries to hide a grimace before giving me a smile.

"My wife is fine. She isn't talking to me right now but I'll live. I like it better when she's silent anyways."

"Hmm, I like it better when you're silent too."

"Please, Hannah." He rolls his eyes before leaning forward. I freeze when he places his hands on my knees. "We've only had one conversation. I'd like to talk more, maybe in a more civilized manor though?" He questions.

Kai slowly slides his hands up my legs. He was trying to be seductive but it just made me want to vomit. He watched my worried expression as his hands got a little too close to a certain area. He laughed before sliding his hands around my legs and to my back, untying the rope around my hands.

"Relax, I have no evil intentions."

"Then why are you here?" I ask, rubbing my wrist that were burned from the rope.

"I'm sure you feel a little confused and worried about everything going on. I'm just here as a friend to talk and comfort you however needed."

He wasn't my friend. He wasn't my friend, just a creep who wanted in my pants. The only comfort I want from him is the feeling of my knives going through his flesh. I didn't want to be in this room with him, I wanted to fight my way out of it. 

However, against everything I want, I decided to stay in my chair and talk. It was a stupid idea but Kai's more inclined to talk to me than anyone else here. I might be able to get important information without him even knowing about it.

"How long have I been here?" I ask, wrapping my arms around myself uncomfortably.

"Three days." He responds as he relaxes back in his chair. "You were out the majority of your first day from the sedative. The second day you spent sometime with Annika and then had surgery for your abdomen. Today you were with Ben but you were out the majority of the time."

"I had surgery?"

"Yup, it was mainly just to check for organ damage and internal bleeding, but you surprisingly had little to none. For someone whose specialty is torture, Annika did a horrible job with you. Jack has been suspecting if she's really allied with him."

"And you? Are you allied with him?" He sighs, shaking his head. It was almost as if he was patronizing me.

"Hannah, you have to understand, this world is pictured as drugs and weapons in the movies. The reality is that it's mostly about politics."

"If it's about politics then shouldn't you be allied with your wife? I mean, I understand you sleep with other people, but your marriage is an alliance of its own. Isn't it important to stick by her?"

"You're right, your spouse is your strongest ally but alliances shift. If Cixi were to be kidnapped, or be in your situation, I would be worried for her and my secrets she holds. Unlike Ace, I would do everything in my power to find her."

"What do you mean 'unlike Ace'?"

"We expected Ace to come out looking for you. Sure, he's sent a few men around the U.S., but nothing extreme. Plus, he, himself, hasn't been looking for you."

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