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Ace's POV


I warned him.

I warned that son of a bitch what would happen if he went after Hannah and he did it anyways.

Thea, Leo, Oliver and I were setting up the computers in the safe house. It wasn't anything fancy like the one in Vermont, it was just an old White House in the middle of nowhere. It only had three rooms so some people were gonna have to sleep in the living room.

We set up the computers in the little dining room so we could all watch. I let Ben lead the whole mission for the Cocaine so I could focus on this and make sure Hannah was okay. He's supposed to call me when it's done and meet us back in Vermont tomorrow.

We watched Hannah and the others walk into the gala and she looked stunning. If I didn't know her I would've thought she was a celebrity. I knew the dress was pretty, but I don't think I could've chosen a better one for her. Sarah looked gorgeous in her dress as well, Ben would've been gushing over her the whole time. She didn't look well though. I knew she was really anxious on the plane, but I figured it was just nerves with going back to Atlanta. Now that she was there though, she looked even more anxious, pale even.

"What's wrong with Sarah?" Thea asked, focusing the camera on her.

"She's been anxious all day." Oliver speaks up.

Oliver and Sarah had gotten closer while she was mad at Ben and I think he started to develop feelings for her. He was fine during training, but he's been bummed out ever since Ben and Sarah made up. It's weird seeing the happy-go-lucky guy mope around.

We watched as they all stood on the balcony, overlooking the gala. I noticed Antony say something to Hannah before looking to one of the cameras we had set up. He knew damn well I was watching. He also knew damn well what would happen if he placed a hand on her.

They all walked down the stairs, joining the other people. Hannah was holding onto Antony's arm but I could tell it was to keep her from falling. No one saw it, but we did notice her trip over her dress on the last few steps, luckily she caught herself.

"Oh, no..." Leo spoke.

A man was walking up to Sarah and gave her a hug. He recognized her. It was Allen Morris, producer at Daeman Records. I knew of him from whenever I attended those stupid galas. He's a pompous ass who cares about nobody but himself.

"Have we seen Jack?" I asked, looking at all the tiny boxes from each camera.

"Here." Leo pointed. He zoomed in on one of the screens.

Jack saw Hannah and immediately started to make his way over to the group. He stopped behind Allen, just listening, until he spoke up. We should've been able to hear the audio, but there were so many people talking that it couldn't focus on there conversation. Jack walked up to the group and eyed all of them until his sight landed on Hannah.

They all kept talking until it happened. Antony looked to Vinnie, who gave him a look of caution. He turned back to Jack and said something, catching everyone off guard. Hannah looked to Antony in shock and he took that opportunity to kiss her. He fucking kissed her.

The glass of bourbon in my hand broke, causing everyone to jump.

I couldn't look at the screens, I had to stare at the wall. My best friend just kissed her. I don't know what's going on between Hannah and I but I know that, until I do, no man will touch her. No man will, yet my own best friend just did.

"Ace?" Thea asked softly.

"Don't." I warned.

"I know you don't want to hear this, but he may have just saved your ass, and Hannah's. Jack looked surprised." Leo said cautiously.

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