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Hannah's POV


"Amore..." I hear Ace whisper as I slowly start to wake up. I feel a gentle kiss placed on my forehead before he gently shakes me. "We've landed, do you want to get up?"

I slowly look around to see that he moved us to the bedroom while we were asleep. I look to the edge of the bed to see him crouching next to me. He still looked a little tired, but at least he got some sleep. I, on the other hand, still wasn't sure if I was even awake.

"No." I mumble, closing my eyes again. I hear a light chuckle before I feel him pick me up. I couldn't help but smile and snuggle closer into him as he started to walk off the plan.

Ace walked off the plan and, even though it was still dark outside, a little light was starting to appear. I don't know where we are, but it must be in the morning. Ace said something in Italian to someone before I heard a car door open and I was gently placed inside. I looked around to see we were in a blue Ferrari GT 250. Ace got in the drivers seat before leaving the runway of the airport.

"How come we haven't been using the SUV's?" I ask, slowly starting to wake up.

"It's just the two of us." He shrugs. "I didn't feel the need. Plus, I like driving my own cars."

"Are you going to tell me where we are now?"




"You mean to tell me, this whole time, you've just been in France?"

"What's wrong with France?"

"Nothing." I shrug. "You just don't seem like the type to like France."

"I love France." he scoffs. "It's a beautiful country, what's not to like?"

"Well, isn't in known for love and everything?"

"Thats Paris. Who said we were going there?" 

"Well, if we aren't going to Paris, where else would we go?"


"That's a drink."

"No." He rolls his eyes. "Champagne is a place with a drink named after it."


"You know, I think I enjoyed you more when you were snoring."

"I don't snore." I grumble.

"Just go back to sleep, Amore, will be there in an hour."

Even though I didn't want him to win our bickering, I went back to sleep. I was still too tired and didn't want to have to be awake for an hour long car ride. When I woke up, we were almost there. There were miles and miles of vineyards everywhere with a small town in the distance. The sun was also starting to rise and it made everything look beautiful.

"Wow." I sighed, looking around.

"See, France is beautiful."

"Yeah, yeah." I grumble.

We eventually get to the small town and, before we go to Ace's house, I make him stop in town to get me clothes. He hated shopping, but there was no way I was wearing these the whole time we were here. Plus, he still hasn't told me how long we're gonna be here for.

"You could just wear nothing." He suggests from the seat inside the changing room while I look in the mirror.

"I'm sure you would like that but, as I've already said, I'm not sleeping with you." 

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