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Ace's POV


"I told you that you were not welcome in this home." I say stiffly, staring at my father in the doorway of my office.

"Of course, my son, but I had to come back to talk with you."

"I'm not having another talk with you."

"Are you sure?" He asks, sitting in front of me. "It seems you took my advice from last time."

"That is not why Hannah left." She didn't leave because I thought she was using me, she left because I was a dumbass that didn't realize what he had until it was too late.

"No matter." He shakes his head. "I'm glad you got rid of the puttana-"

"She was not a whore!" I quickly cut him off. 

"Anyways..." He takes a deep breath, attempting to not get angry. He never holds his anger back around me, not unless he wants something. "Now the the girl is out of your head, you can focus on what really matters. This mafia."

"I have already put this mafia over everything in my life. I have lost friends, family, and myself because of my love for this mafia. I lost her because I was too worried about this mafia." I was worried about this mafia making her a target, of it becoming the death of her. 

"Yes, yes, Ace, you're always worrying." He rolls his eyes. "Instead of worrying, it's time for you to act."

"Just tell me what the fuck you want. I don't have time for-"

"I want America!" He finally shouts. I'm silent for a long moment, trying to process what he just said.

"Are you insane?" I ask calmly.

"No, my mind is quite at ease. I want America, as well as Russia and China."

"And how the hell do you plan to do that?!"

"I won't, you will."

"Like hell I will! Thats a death sentence trying to take over one of the top mafia's, and you expect me to take all three?!"

"I do."

"And how the hell do you propose I do that?" I ask, entertaining his ideas. Theres no way in hell I'm taking over all of the top mafias.

Not only is he suggesting I take over the top mafias in the world by myself, but he's suggesting I destroy the crime world all together. Like countries, mafias need two things to thrive: Money and Men. The crime world relies on trade for our money and supplies. Without trade, we have little to no income. With no income, we would be nothing more than a street gang, tagging our symbol with spray paint.

"I'm not proposing anything, you will do it. You will do it by killing jack. This will cause his father to come out of hiding and come after you. When he does, you kill him. That's how we get America. I hear Michail isn't in good health, it won't be long before Annika takes his position. When she does, kill her. That's how you will get Russia. Now that Kai has been eliminated, Cixi is a widow in need of a husband. I've already spoken with her father of an arranged marriage. You will marry Cixi and take over China. Just like that, we become the biggest, strongest, most elite mafia in the world."

"I will do no such thing!" I say, abruptly standing up. "You're asking me to kill the last American heir and attempt to take over the leader, kill one of our strongest allies, and go into a marriage that I never agreed to. Even if I were to do that, I would still not be head of command, I would just be giving you more power."

"Power that I will be able to, one day, pass onto you."

"Yes, because I'm sure that is the reason you want me to go along with your lunacy."

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