Say no to this- Taehyung Kim (3/3)

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Taehyung sat on the couch and lazily watched the television, he was watching the news update the world about his situation.
He lifts up the glass of beer and chugs it down, Taehyung sighs before wiping a stray tear rolling down his cheek.

"He's free to go..."

The detectives interrogating him look up in confusion, "What? We received the call from y/n, she distinctly said he was killing her"

"Her murder was self inflicted...suicide, and besides we found the note"

Taehyung inhales sharply, hearing those words. He rested his head into his hands before one of the detectives entered the room with a scowl.

"You're free to go..." she glares at him, she lets him out of his wrist shackles roughly, "Humans aren't things, you don't use them when you feel like" she simply walks away without another word.
Taehyung left the room and his manger ran over to him, "Taehyung damnit! What's going on?!"

"I-I dont know...they said I murdered her but then I heard she killed herself- ...B-because of me?"
His manger shook his head, "Suicide is the victim's choice, let's get out of here before media find us" he hands Taehyung a hat and glasses, they jog to get out as fast as possible but are met with random flashing.

"Kim Taehyung! Did you kill her?!"

"Why'd you do it Taehyung?"

"How many women have you killed?!"

His manger damn neared growls, "Kim Taehyung did not kill anyone, thank you" they storm away into his designated van. Taehyung tosses his hat and sun glasses off his face.
"Fuck!... what the fuck did she do?!"

His manger calmly starts the car and drove to how own apartment complex, "You're gonna stay with me...your house is probably swarmed"

"Damnit my phone- my fans are probably freaking out right now-"

"I'll go by your house and pick up some of your clothes..."

"We have to go to Wooshik, all of this is his fault! He sent her to me and I bit the bait- he's probably just mad she actually loved me!-"

"Taehyung I need you to shut the hell up for a moment!..." his manager shouts unexpectedly, Taehyung flinches and looks at his manager with widened eyes.

"Look, it's doesn't matter who's fault it is...eyes are on you! You are the one with the status it's time for you to take responsibility! What the hell have you been doing behind my back...we are supposed to talk about these things with each other..." Sejin pauses and rubs the bridge of his nose, "When you wanted to date Minjoo openly, I made it happen for you...all that hard work to make half of your fucking fan base accept her and you pull this shit?! How could you be so weak?! So fucking stupid?!"

"I'm not stupid!"

"No but your fucking actions are!...I am going to figure out a way through this by talking with the CEO but whatever he says, is green light...even if that means dropping you" he said earnestly, Taehyung chokes at those word

"What?- there's no way-"

"You need to tell me exactly what happened...everything"

Sejin passed by him and sat down on the couch as well, "You shouldn't watch this stuff anymore-"

"I just wanna see..."

"We seem to have this conversation every other month- should you blame to abusers for the victim's suicide and I say yes, It said in her note that Kim Taehyung and his best friend Choi Wooshik at the time had used her as a 9-5 job, Taehyung slept with her and Wooshik got 2,000 dollars for it each time. I don't think you understand how degrading that must have felt for her"

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