Yoongi-Yoongi Min(2/...)

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You slept in the same room as Jin,You took his roommate's bed, you weren't sure who exactly it was but the bed was really nice

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You slept in the same room as Jin,You took his roommate's bed, you weren't sure who exactly it was but the bed was really nice.

"Jin wake up... Come on jin" you said in English,He groans turning away from you.

Of course he wouldn't want to get up, this was his time to sleep in, but you were hungry and didn't know if it were okay to make yourself breakfast, Eventually you gave up trying to wake him and left the room

You look around the living room, not really noticing anyone there, You tiptoed into the kitchen.

"Could you get me a cup of water too-"

You shout before falling into the floor, you were unfortunately easily scared, "Are you okay?"

You turn your head upward and see Yoongi towering over you, "Oh yeah..How long have you been standing there"

"Since last night...I slept on the couch, I'm Jin hyung's roommate"

You made a funny face, making Yoongi mock you.

"What's the problem?" He asked, you sigh "It's weird hearing people call Jin hyung or oppa, I don't call him that...and you act so much older than him I forget your younger"

Yoongi smiles "I don't know if I should take that as a compliment or an insult"

"Definitely a compliment,Jin sometimes forgets He a grown man"

"Don't talk about your oppa like that, he's cool, very odd but cool"

You beckon him to walk with you to the kitchen, "I just want a bowl of cereal...Do you guys have a rule on who gets what and how much-"

"Seriously? Just grab what you want and eat it" he reaches over you and gets a box of Cheerios out, "Wanna share a bowl?"

"Share a bowl of cereal...Who's the odd man now?"

Yoongi shrugs, He did that a lot didn't he?, "I enjoy sharing things with people I like" He said, you grew quiet.


You were still looking at him with a shocked expression, "H-Huh?..."
Yoongi shook his head before turning to the bowl and pouring, you seen a short timed smirk make it way on his face.

You and Yoongi did end up sharing a cereal bowl, he let you eat most of it, and now you guys were on the couch giggling to each other.
He liked your sense of humor, you were almost as sarcastic and quick witted as he was, he like that you were almost a reflection of him.

"When do the guys usually wake up?"

"Well it's our vacation week so around early afternoon time" he estimated looking into the sky, You frown "What are you doing up so early?"

"Well If you must know, a cute loud mouth woke me up trying to wake her brother up"

You cover your mouth, you hadn't realized you were that loud, and you also hadn't realized he had just called you cute,He needed to stop playing with you immediately before your face melted off from the heat it was radiating.
Yoongi then reaches over an pushes some hair out you eye, He was sitting rather close and you didn't notice he had started leaning in until, Jin walk in and Yoongi stands quickly.

"Good morning" he yawns, thankfully he didn't sense the tension between the two people.

"Morning"you sound with a shaky voice, jin looks at you.

"Um...excuse me..." you get up and leave quickly, Jin squints his eyes at Yoongi and points.
"Did you do something to her?...Huh?...HUH?!"

Yoongi kept a nonchalant expression, "What are you talking about?" Jin walks closer, "What happened to her?"

"Maybe you should ask her?"

Jin squeezes the bridge of his nose, "Yoongi...whatever you've done it can't happen again okay? It'd kill me to see her get half the hate we do and if she starts dating one of you guys...I'm scared Army might hate her"
(I feel like this is low key how BTS feel about getting a girlfriend or showing their girlfriends)

Yoongi's eyes flickered with sadness for a second before they flash back to normal, "I'm telling you now hyung I didn't do anything"

He lied through his teeth, Yoongi gets up, "I'll be leaving first..." he leaves.
Jin was not convinced, he lets out a long hard sigh, "What's wrong hyung?"
He turns hearing Jimin's voice, "Nothing...You want breakfast?"

"Aww hyung is so sweet" Jimin said in aegyo smiling and running over to jin and hyung and hugging.

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