Maybe a Gigolo- Yoonmin

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I'm not sure if I'm back officially but I got an idea that wouldn't leave my brain. It's inspired by a Kdrama named "Because this is my first life" if you haven't watched it and enjoy 'difficult' dramas you should check it out.

 It's inspired by a Kdrama named "Because this is my first life" if you haven't watched it and enjoy 'difficult' dramas you should check it out

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"Hmm I don't want you to leave me" you whine before planting another kiss on yoongi's lips.
"I'm not gonna be gone forever...I'll be back"

"Yeah at 6 in the morning, I'm so lonely without you here" you pout, Yoongi sat up in the bed, the covers sliding down and exposing his bare chest.
"So how about you get a part time'll keep you busy and I can come pick you up from work when I'm off"
You chuckle in disbelief, "I'm too old for a part time job, they'd never hire someone my age" you shake your head.
"Come on babe just try it...I swear if you don't get the job I'll take off work and we can go out to dinner and movie"

"So a win-win for me" you wink, he kisses you again before dragging his body from the bed.

And that's how you found yourself applying for the cafe near yoongi's building, you sat at one of the tables waiting for the owner until he finally came out.
"Oh we usually don't have a lot of foreigners applying for this job...and you're a little...mature" he said careful, you chuckle, "Yeah I understand if you don't want to hire me"

"No,no you can start tomorrow...we don't have foreigners applying and we don't have Koreans applying either. You're hired"

You give a short laugh, you were expecting this to be a lot harder, you quickly bow to the owner and leave the shop, before running into someone.
"Oh I'm sorry" you said giddily, the younger male smiles, "It's not must have heard some good news to be smiling so beautifully" he grins.
"I did actually" you smiled not even noticing the compliment.
"Will I be expecting you here often?"

"Well I'm an employee" you said proudly, his eyes brighten, "Wow lucky me, I work here too"
You immediately put out your hand to shake with him, "Hello new coworker, I'm y/n"

"I'm Jimin...I guess I'll see you around colleague"
"You definitely will" you waltz away happily.
Jimin chuckles watching the girl stroll down the street.

Later that night, you and Yoongi celebrated by you dancing to the music that came on the radio and Yoongi admiring you while you did it, the two of shared a bottle of wine and headed to bed.
"I knew you could do it babe" he kisses your forehead, "I never thought I'd be this excited about getting a part time job" you squeal, "My wife is the most beautiful creature ever created"

"Creature?" You look at him, he quickly corrects himself "-Being I meant being"

"Hah nice save I'm going to sleep" you snuggle into his chest and quickly do what you said.

You got up bright and early, put on an outfit that was casual yet...sophisticated, you and Yoongi had breakfast at the dinner table, his mother sent you guys spicy chicken and eating that consisted of using both hands.
Suddenly your phone rang, you quickly clean off one hand and press answer.

"Hey it's Jimin"


Yoongi looks up, you mouth, "My coworker" and your husband goes back to eating quickly, "I'm glad you remember"

"Of course but how did you-"

"I got it from the owner...we're coworkers now we should at least have each other' numbers right"

You part your lips, "Yeah...I guess so...what was it that you wanted, I'm kind of eating breakfast"

"Oh do you have paper around?"

"Oh uh...yeah right here"

"Do you have something to write with?"

"Wait a it"

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

"Do I have a boy-" you quickly shut your mouth after processing the question, Yoongi looks at you again, questioning what was wrong, you wave it off not wanting to cause any unnecessary drama.
"Was that to sudden?" He laughs, "Hah you think?" You laugh nervously.

"But I you?"

"Well no I don't but-"

"Crap I have customer, Hi welcome to Rich cafe-"

He hangs up, you blink, dumbfounded.
You didn't even get to finish your statement, "You done babe?" Yoongi asked seeing that you're not eating anymore.

"Uh...yeah...I'm full" You smile sweetly at your spouse, he kisses you gently.
"You go start up the car I'll clean up the mess" you told him, Yoongi did just that.
This gave you time to make up a plan, if you should tell Yoongi and possibly make him cause a scene or not tell Yoongi and let the guilt build inside you.

You chose the latter, you'd just let Jimin know you are a taken woman and what he did was inappropriate.

Yoongi drove you to work and places a bunches of kisses all over your face causing you to giggle.
"Stop before someone notices"

"Let's hope they do" he kisses you and slowly the kiss turns into a mini make out section but you pull away.
"Okay, if you wanted to do that right now you shouldn't have told me to get a job"

He just laughs, you get out the car and wave him goodbye, continuing to do so after he's down the street.
You missed him already, entering you job, the cafe seemed pretty busy. Walking in your greeted by your manager shoving an apron into your arms.
"You're the only employee who's come in this early"

"I have a lot of free time" you mutter under your breath, you put the apron on and was judged behind the counter, you were assigned washing dishes and rinsing fruits.


You always did that at home anyways, everything was going decently well until Jimin slides beside you, "Hey" he said giving you a smile. You look at him will try to let the back of your neck breath from you hair causing sweat to form.
Jimin, swoops behind you and (ignore this if you don't wear weave or you hair isn't long enough) ties your hair into a low ponytail, he gets close enough to your ear and whispers.
"Is that better 누나?"
You felt a shiver up your back until you turn quickly, "Okay, there is a misunderstanding, I don't have a boyfriend but I do have a husband"

Watching as Jimin's face does fall but forms a smirk, he shrugs, "So what?"

"Excuse me?"

"You have a husband what does that have to do with me?"

You stare at the younger man in disbelief, you could only breath out a "What?"

"If you have a husband, that mean you can't have a boyfriend?" weren't expecting that, "I would never cheat on my husband-"

"Just look at that guy over there...he orders an iced American and coconut cake every day... I can only how boring his life is, but that girl over there comes here and has tried everything slice of cake and cup of coffee we'd ever had...look at that smile on her face...that's the look of variety"
Jimin wets his bottom lip, "Think of me as your cake." He said that into your ear again.

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