Succor- Namjoon Kim (5/6)

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Y/n was holding her hands up to block her face, Kiji was now giving her another beating for no actual reason, just because he felt she deserved them.
"Put your hands down!" He swung the belt up and hit her again with it. Y/n turned her back so her face would stop getting hit

"Stop crying" she muffled her cries into her knees,Kiji should be at work but he decided he'd take the night shift. "Do you see what I have to do to keep you in line? Huh"

"Yes...Kiji" she swallowed hard, she felt like she was breathing through one lung. After Kiji got out the shower yesterday he threw her on the bed and forced her down then had his way with her, her whole lower body felt numb with discomfort. "Aren't you sorry for making me do this to you?"

"Yes I'm sorry"

Kiji nods, impressed with her obedience, "That's my submissive girl " he pats her head, "At this rate you'll be getting a new phone in no time"

"Thank you Kiji, your so...k-kind to me" y/n lies through her teeth, Kiji chuckles.

She just wanted someone to find her and help her so she could just be held by her father,Her dad's hugs were the best.

"I suppose I'll have to make myself breakfast?" Kiji placed his hands on his hips, speaking as if it was her fault her whole body was throbbing in pain.

  "Come on"

He helps her up and carries her bridal style down the steps and takes her to the kitchen and places her in a seat, "You'll need ice for the swelling"

He walks over to the freezer and takes a package of frozen peas out, "Hold this baby" y/n gently takes it away from him and places it on her cheek, hissing at the contact. "That's it, you'll have to endure it in order for you to look pretty again"

Y/n nods and switches sides the frozen food is on, 'Ding Dong'

Kiji scoffs, he got up and walks to get the door, he quickly turns back to y/n "Don't make a sound"

He went for the door and saw Namjoon behind it, "Uh what are you doing here?"

Namjoon hid the scowl he wanted to give this guy with a friendly smile "Oh y/n hasn't been answering her phone and I got a little scared"Namjoon chuckles " I just wanted to to check on her"

"She's busy right now" Kiji blocks the doorway, he held a bland face, he wasn't fond of Namjoon and how he was especially close to his girlfriend . "I just wanna say hey"

"She's asleep"

"You just said she was busy, now she's sleeping?" Namjoon said suspiciously, Kiji rolls his eyes "She's busy sleeping...we had a great night yesterday and she's building her energy back up" he teased, Namjoon bit the inside of his cheek as he listened to what Kiji was saying.

"Maybe call me before coming over next time" he suggested before closing the door in his face,Namjoon thought about knocking on the door again but didn't, he turned around and walked away.

"What happened?" Yoongi said, he and Namjoon shared lunch hour so he took advantage of it.

"She's apparently just fine"

"He didn't even let you in?"

Namjoon shook his head, as he slumped in the car, "Don't slouch you'll wrinkle your shirt" Yoongi said, "I sounded like Jin didn't I"

"Just drive the car"

Yoongi began to drive off ,"But I did,didn't I?"

"Did you call him!"

She shook her head, her fingers were trembling as she held the the package of iced vegetable to her face. "So he just came to my house by himself?"

There he goes again, My, he never used Our it was always His.

Y/n nods feverishly, "So if he told me you called him what would you say?"

"He's lying"

Kiji quiets down, he stands in front of her "Your face has gone down" he snatches the peas from her.

"I'm sure your legs can work now..." Kiji turns to begin making his breakfast, Her legs could just hurt like hell to walk.

"Please Kiji...I just need to get to the living room"

Kiji breaths out loudly, "Why did I bring her down here?" He asked him, "It hurts to move... my stomach-"

"Stop whining, I'll help, but know this" he points at her "If I ever catch you packing a bag like that again you're gonna end up in the hospital" he picks her up again.

Y/n wasn't sure if  he was bluffing or being serious, but after hearing that Namjoon was asking about her it made her chest flutter

He laid her out on the bed, Kiji looks over her one last time. "Damnit" he mutters, "I have work tonight but...if I even get a feeling you've left"

"I-I won't leave" y/n said, her fingers slowly crossing themselves behind her back.

She had all day to make up a plan before he goes to work, and it would be easy to play out considering he'll be gone all night.

Oddly the day had passed quickly for Namjoon and it was already the next day, well technically because it was two in the morning.

Why is he still up? He woke up in the middle of the night after having a nightmare about y/n being tormented by Kiji and him never letting her leave.

He was now rubbing the sleep out his eyes drinking a cup of water down until of course.


He choked on his h2o, "What the fuck?" He whispered while coughing up some water. Mumbling was heard from outside the door

"What's going on?" Jungkook asked from the top of the steps,He must have been woken up from the banging,"I was going to check"

Namjoon places the cup down on the counter and walks over door, "If it's that guy again get ready to call the police"

He counts to three before opening the door, his face softens and his chest burned at the sight before him. "Y/n?"

"Joon...c-could I stay here for a while?" her face was bruised and beaten, a cut was across her cheek, her lip was swollen and her right eye was bloated.

"Oh my god" he grabs her and gives her body a gentle hug, y/n couldn't hold back her tears anymore so she let them go.
She gripped onto his T-shirt.
Namjoon caresses the back of her head,towering over her (The character I had playing her was rather short I don't feel like adjusting this characteristic)
"You can stay as long as you want"

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