Succor- Namjoon Kim (4/6)

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He played with the phone between his fingers, getting slightly scared.

"Taehyung I'm serious, she should have at least called me"

Taehyung shrugs stuffing fries in his mouth "Call her yourself then" Namjoon jumps "I can't do that... I'll look desperate" the younger swallows harshly and replay "But you are, aren't you?"

Namjoon shoves Taehyung out of the way and goes into the living room, as soon as he does everyone in there turns his way and looks at them like they were hiding something. "Namjoon you're up" Yoongi smiles turning his head back to his phone, "I was up for a while,what's going on?"

Jin looks at Hoseok, who looks at Yoongi. "Should we tell him?"

"Tell me what?" He sat down on the couch, "I'm not doing it.." Jin said putting his hands up, "Can someone just tell me what ever it is!"

Yoongi scratches his upper lip "It's about y/n's boyfriend...Hoseok ,for some reason is just telling us this now, he saw him dancing with another girl a couple of nights ago"

Hoseok puffs out his lips "I thought I was hallucinating, I took pictures though" he said already taking out his cellphone, he hands Namjoon the phone.
Namjoon took the phone from his hands and scrolled through them, it was definitely him. "I wanna murder him"

"Now, Now, this is exactly why we contemplated showing you"

"Why he's cheating on my best friend!"

Jin stood from his seat on the couch and held his hands out to stop him from doing anything else, "Would you rather go over and cause a scene and possibly end up getting arrested or let nature take its course" Namjoon gave him a dour expression "This is Y/n we're talking about... she's the most ingenuous girl in the world, she'd probably stay with him even after she found out"

Yoongi cocks his head to the side a little, noticing that that is completely true. "Okay, okay but that doesn't mean you should barge into their home like that. Give her a call and tell her your coming over tomorrow after work"

Namjoon nods understandingly, he takes out his phone and presses it to his ear after he calls her.

"Hi it's y/n, I'll get back to you as soon as possible bye!" Namjoon sighs, "oh hey it's joon... I really really need to talk to you, maybe tomorrow... only if your okay with it, okay bye"

He spoke biting down on his nails, jin smiles "Maybe tomorrow but only if your okay with it My sweet sweet queen, What was that about?"

"Isn't it obvious he's in love with her" Hoseok said cheesing really hard, Jin holds back his laughter covering his mouth. "Shut up! She's someone I care about, deeply"

"Balls deep" Yoongi adds in, The guys laugh at Namjoon who's face was burning red with embarrassment. Suddenly they hear male arguing outside their house.
The guys all rush outside to see Jimin being chased around by a brown skinned man with a bat in his hands "My daughter is seventeen years old!"

"Yes sir I understand that but I didn't know until thi-"

The man swings it at Jimin, he luckily ducks on time "Bull shit!" The man yelled, Jimin looks over and noticed his roommates watching, he sprints over their way.

"Help guys!" Jimin ran in the house, the angry man trailing behind him, Jin stood in front of him "I'm sorry sir but if you don't leave now we are going to call the cops"

"What is this! You Asian motherfuckers like to lure young girls to your house and seduce them"

That's when Yoongi steps in, "Get the hell away from our house now!" The man was calmed down now but was still upset with the situation so he said "This will not be the last time you see me" he points the bat at Yoongi "Make sure you tell your friend he's dead!"
He walks away getting in his car and driving off.

Namjoon let out a puff of air he didn't know he was holding, "Jimin fucked up this time"

"Yup and it wasn't me!" Jungkook said, while leaning on the door eating a pudding cup, "But you guys have to admit she didn't look like a teenager...If I was couple years younger I'd tap that"

Jin scowls "Go in the house" he pushed a giggling Jungkook into the house, "Come on guys I'm not alone on this"

Namjoon ignores him, he couldn't get distracted, his mind wouldn't let him. He wished tomorrow would just come already.

He woke up and got dressed for work like any other Monday. He checked his phone as he buttoned his shirt up


He checked when he ate breakfast


He checked when Yoongi was dropping him and the guys off at work, still nothing, he was panicking more than he should have.

"Mr. Kim?"

He looks up from his desk sliding his phone back in his pocket, "Uh yes?"

"Johnathan thinks your watching porn I think your waiting for your wife to text you, which one is it"

Namjoon chokes "Uhh what?"

The middle schooler kept a nonchalant face on as she waited for his answer, "Well your both wrong I'll leave it at that" he looked back down at his phone just to check quickly. "So we should start on the lesson plan today huh Good Morning everyone"

"Good Morning Mr. Kim" the class chants together, "We should start today off with weekend stories...Sammi how was your weekend"

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