Succor-Namjoon Kim (3/6)

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Kiji came home and the doorknob dented the wall behind it, Y/n had locked herself in the bathroom hiding away from Evan.


Y/n stood at the sound of his voice and came out, "Kiji?..." she saw he was downstairs looking up at her, she runs down and collides with him to hug his torso. Kiji yanks her arms from his waist, his hand flew up and slapped her knocking her to the ground,he ran a hand through his hair and cracks his neck from side to side.

"Kiji...he tried to put him-himself in my mouth-" and another slap, y/n realized she should be quiet from now on. "I did this for us y/n,for us!"

Y/n squints, still not completely sure with what he was implying. Kiji stood her up by her collar and shook her "Are you stupid?!" He flicks her temple, y/n flinches expecting another slap. "No.."

"Obviously you are! I should just-..." he stops himself from saying something he would regret,Kiji grabs her by the back of her head and watches her squirm.

"Lick the floor" Kiji breathes through his teeth, he pushes her down until her face was inches off the ground, when y/n refused to he'd grip her head tighter making a painful moan leave her mouth. "Lick.The.Floor"

She extended her tongue flat out and placed it on the floor dust, shoe dirt and grime collects itself on her tongue and she gagged in response. Kiji sighs "Now go brush your teeth"

Y/n stood to her feet quickly and head upstairs to brush the bad taste from her mouth, Kiji was breathing through his nose when he sat down on the couch and he noticed her phone so he picks it up and unlocks it

One of the many rules he held were she couldn't have a code on her phone and she had to delete all male numbers except him, which made him wonder how y/n and Namjoon were still in contact. When he was going through her phone he forgot to check her messages and when he did he was outraged

Joon bug 🤴🏻🐛
'I started thinking about the kimbap we made'
'You make really good Korean food'
'You make really good food in general'
'We should go to Korea together'

'That sounds like a good idea joon bug'

Joon bug 🤴🏻🐛

'Hey y/n this might sound weird but'
'I've been kind of worried about you'
'And him...'
'Is everything okay 👌🏾'

Kiji squeezed the phone in his hand, he was angry again, "Y/n!"

"Y-yes?" Y/n recognized his tone, he was angry he usually never called her by her name. "Get your ass down here now!"

Y/n rinse her mouth out, and returned back to the living room "Whatever I did, I promise I won't do it again" she said fiddling with her fingers and looking him in the eyes trying to avoid anymore conflict. Kiji shows her his phone "You're trying to leave me?...for him?"

"Well, no I didn't really mean it"

"And what did I tell you about having males in your phone"

"But it's Namjoon...he's my best friend" y/n said trying to lighten the mood, Kiji breathing was rigid and had a weird pattern, he was pissed.

"You're just asking for it aren't you y/n?" He asked, backing her against a wall "No...I mean I'm sorry?...I don't know what you want-"

"I want you to shut up!" He slammed his hand against the wall beside her head, "You've lost your phone privileges,you'll get a new phone when I feel like you've earned it" Kiji throws her phone at the ground and steps on it, y/n looks at the ground.

He looks at her expressionless face and in disgusted with her lack of emotion so he slaps her, "Wake up.."

Y/n blinks away her tears still looking at the cracked phone beside his feet. "You did this y/n, if you would have just listened you would still have your phone, aren't I right"

"Yes, I should have listened"

"You can possibly earn it back tonight if you do a good enough job, go make me lunch baby"

This was absolutely the last straw, she had to leave tonight, even if it killed her.


He called from downstairs, y/n jumped at the sound of his voice, she quickly stuffed more clothes in a book bag.

"Y/n I know you hear me!"

She breaths, "Um I'm coming babe" zipping the bag up, she stuffs it under her bed, Y/n stood to retreat to the living room where her boyfriend was lounging only to find him at the door frame."What's that your hiding?" He walks in the room closing the door behind himself, "Its nothing, dirty laundry I was gonna take out tomorrow" y/n waves off quickly

"Why is it in your book bag, under the bed?"

"Well, because I-"

He strides over to the cot and pulls the black shoulder sack out, y/n was a stuttering mess, he unzips it and his lips part. "You were trying to leave me?" He said in disbelief

Y/n stood there silently, "Tell me now!... Yes or No God damnit!" She cowers back at he swears, and answers immediately "!"

"You lying bitch!" He grabs her wrist and throws her to the ground, y/n grunts in pain pleading for him to leave her alone. But he continued and instead of slaps he threw punches. Kiji spoke as he strikes her, he stood to his feet and kicked her. He didn't care where his hit were located as long as they made a impact, her whimpers stayed adamant.

Right eye was black, bottom lip was fat, nose was dripping blood. She was wrecked, y/n couldn't even cry because of the pain her sobs gave her swollen, bruised face "I thought you were smarter than this y/n...trying to leave me? I'm always going to find you, no matter if you run off to your parents or your sister...I'm always gonna be there to bring you back home"
Kiji gives her a cold smile before leaving to take a shower, y/n face was frowned and tears rolled down her cheeks burning her open wounds "I'm sorry" she said to herself.

As most of you all could probably tell, the beginning of the last part of this looks similar to 'Leaving-Jungkook Jeon' because that imagine was inspired by this story I was writing
And I'm sorry if there was no cute Namjoon scene to balance out the really evil and harsh scenes with Y/n and Kiji.

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