Highschool- Seokjin Kim

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                     Featuring Mark Lee

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Featuring Mark Lee

"...And that will be all for class today" Mr.Kim spoke putting down his piece of chalk and sat down behind his desk, you took this as an opportunity to take out a stick of gum and chew it.
"So Mark what's up for this weekend?"

Mark smiles as you turn his way, "You know chewing gum isn't allowed in class" he said with a grin, he likes that you didn't follow the rules that's why he had such an obvious crush on you.
"Hmm maybe we could go see that new scary movie?...if you're not busy?"
You give him shy smile, "Well okay then I like scary movies"

Two girls sitting across from you two ooh'd "They're so cute"
"Hey!" Mr Kim stood,"No candy in class"
Everyone in class stopped talking and looked at him, "Ms. y/n I would be talking to you"

"Mr.Kim we're seniors in High school do you really think I'd be childish enough to stick a wad of gum under a desk!"

"I don't know that! And besides it's the rules spit the gum out now"

"No..." you said crossing your arms and staring him in the face, Mark watched you with widened eyes, "Y/n come on-"

"No he's being a jerk for no reason"

"Well alright after this bell rings you can stay after class and clean my erasers"

You scoff and jerk your neck back, "Whatever"

"You're still complaining shall I give you paperwork to shred? That should take about two hours to finish" Mr.Kim said sarcastically, after he said that the class bell rang.
You rolled your eyes, "See you afterschool I guess" Mark said following after the class that began to empty out the room.

Mr.Kim watched you at you stayed still in your seat, "So are you going to start your working or will I have to force you?"

You roll your eyes again which sent him over the edge, Mr.kim storms over your way and pulls you up by her collar.
"Stop being a little brat"

You smirk, "I thought you liked when I did that?"
"Not when you flirt with boys in front of me...You're lucky I didn't spank you in the middle of class" he let's go your collar and you pout at him.
"Oops I'm sorry daddy" you but your lip as you watched his eyes shift from anger to lust.
Jin kisses you roughly, you giggled into the kiss as you sat on the desk and his hands felt on your thighs and up your skirt and landed on your butt.
"J-Jin were in the school"

"I don't have a class this period" he said as he kissed your neck, "What do you want me to do to you?" Jin asked.
"I-I don't know" you moaned.

"If you don't tell me right now I'm gonna choose" he said as he rolled his body onto yours, your eyes rolled back and you closed your lips tight to suppress your moans.
"Okay I choose...I'm gonna eat you until you cry and scream for me to stop" you gasp as he drops to his knees reaches up your skirt and pulls your underwear off.
You gasped has he licks a stripe up your core, you pushed his face away to try because knowing if he didn't getting stop now the whole school would hear you two.
"Mm stop-stop...don't stop" you said through gritted teeth, Jin kept your legs tight around his shoulders.
Right before you peaked your climax, Jin was tackled to the ground.
Your eyes shot open and saw Jin laying on the ground with Mark on top punching him in the face.

"Mark!" You jump off your desk and pull your skirt back down, "Mark stop!" You tugged at Mark's sweater to get him to stop.
But he didn't, he kept punching Jin and Jin was beginning to bleed badly, "Mark st-stop please!" You cried trying to pull him away.

"You were telling him to stop! You were pushing him away!" Mark yells his hands shaking as he spoke, you push Mark away from him and cradle Jin's head.
You checkover Jin's face, "Oh my god he's bleeding so much!"

"So...so you're telling you-guys we're...You guys are together?" Mark said a stuttering mess, "But he's our teacher...y/n-"

You cried as you rocked Jin in your arms, you never imagined you guys would ever be caught, especially like this.
"I thought you liked me" Mark said his voice wavering, you continue to ignore Mark's words, he stood up and began running out the room before he noticed students and teachers standing at the door.
They all stared wide eyed at the situation in front of them.
Mark pushes pass everyone, he was so embarrassed, everyone knew he had a crush on you and to find out you were just playing around with him hurt.

You ignored everyone in the room and tried to wake Jin, he was out cold,
"Jin please wake up"

I don't proofread anymore...well I never did sorry if my grammatical errors truly trigger you 😂😂😂

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