Daughter-Yoongi Min

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Yoongi stayed beside y/n as you panted and screamed, he would turn his head away every time you shouted

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Yoongi stayed beside y/n as you panted and screamed, he would turn his head away every time you shouted.
He was scared you were going to seriously hurt herself, "Okay Y/N we are going to tell you when to push all, father please hold her hand"

Yoongi immediately grabs her palm and y/n squeezed it as hard as she could, Yoongi winced, he was mostly surprised at this sudden strength she had, "Ow" he said.

"Okay y/n on the count of three I want you to push as hard as you can"

She breaths out a weak, "O-Okay" Yoongi watches you in awe, it felt like he was falling in love with y/n all over again, so he leans over and plants a kiss on her clammy forehead.


Almost here


She's almost there


She's here!

Yoongi felt you go limp in his hand, y/n kept a steady breathing pattern, and the sound of a crying baby made Yoongi nearly faint. She was here, she was finally here.

"Will the father come over and remove the umbilical cord" Yoongi nods quickly, he kisses y/n's hand before placing it at her side.
"Will it hurt her?" He said as the nurse handed him a weirdly shape pair of scissors, the nurse shook her head with a grin "She won't even feel it"

Yoongi sighed, he reaches over and clips the cord, she stared right at him as he did, she didn't flinch at all.

They locked eyes and he felt tears build up, "We're just gonna go wash her off Okay"

Yoongi didn't respond he just continued to stare into her eyes.

Yoongi decided to stay in the bed with y/n as she slept, he caresses her hair with the thought of their daughter still in his mind.

Even though she was covered in-whatever that was- she looked so beautiful and innocent, she looked like she needed to be protected forever.

"Okay here's your little girl" the nurse smiles at him, Yoongi stood and speed walks over, "Okay when your wife wakes up let her know that she's been fed and she should feed in about an hour or so"

Yoongi nods, he was half listening, all he wanted to do was hold her.

"Well...okay then..." the nurse awkwardly makes her way out, Yoongi presses his lips to her own, she was warm and squishy.

"Geon Min" he said giving her a smile, she smiles back at him, she had y/n's skin tone and his eyes, he wasn't really that surprised though.
"How does she look?"

Yoongi turns to y/n, she must have just woken up, "Yoongi? Why are you crying?"

Yoongi frowns in confusion before his tears hit the blanket Geon was wrapped in, "I didn't even notice" he wipes his face off with his sleeve, you slowly sit up groaning a little.

"No,No lay back down, and get as much rest as you can"

Y/n looks at Yoongi with a sigh, "Okay...can I see her?"

Yoongi looks between y/n and Geon, "Uhh...right now?" If he was being honest he wasn't ready to pass her over, even to her own mother.

"Yoongi pass me my child" y/n said with a stern voice, Yoongi sighs before slowly handing her to y/n, y/n smiles and looks at her making little cooing sounds her way.

"Knock Knock" they both turn and see all their family members standing at the door.

"Great more people I have to share her with" Yoongi rolls his eyes.

Anyone have some great ideas for part two of 'Interesting' I just can't seem to make something up

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