Road trip- Hoseok Jung(1/2)

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This time Hoseok was sitting in the passenger seat and you were driving, he kept falling asleep behind the wheel and you yelled "My life is way to important to die because you wanna drive half awake!"

Then you apologized because he started pouting, now you were stuck listening to Hoseok's Hip Hop playlist and his light snores. " Ugh were almost out of gas"
You scoff noticing the car engine dangling over E.
You stop at the nearest gas station and sit in the car, Hoseok felt the car come to a halt and jumped awake "What's going on, why'd you stop"

"We need gas..."

"Okay..." Hoseok said kind of confused, you smile and flutter your eyelashes, "It would be nice if my big, strong boyfriend pumped that gas for me"

"No way I pumped the gas before we got on the road" he crossed his arms and puffed out his cheeks "But its dark outside, what if someone tries to kidnap me"

"...Okay" he couldn't say no to you, he got out of the car and walked inside to get the gas you guys needed.

"Alright thank you" Hoseok smiles then he turned and left the store and began walking back to the car, he also noticed you were no longer in the car and the door was wide open.

Hoseok screamed frantically, "Y/N!!" He ran over to his car breathing hard already, "Y/N! Y/N!" He was hyperventilating now, he's done three 360's now and still hasn't spotted you.
He pulls out his phone to call the police but felt a tap on is shoulder, he turned and saw a unfamiliar man with a angry face staring at him.

Before Hoseok could say anything the man hits Hoseok in the head with a blunt object and he falls to the ground unconscious.

T h e e n d

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