"Morning babe" Taehyung Kim

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Taehyung hummed a song that had been stuck in his head for the past three days, it was jingle for a stupid ice cream bar commercial

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Taehyung hummed a song that had been stuck in his head for the past three days, it was jingle for a stupid ice cream bar commercial.
He groans while drinking down his mug of coffee, y/n was asleep in the room and seeing how much she's been working he thought it'd be best not to interrupt her sleep so suddenly. But it was almost 10 in the morning and she had work at 6, and knowing how she liked to get at least an hour of cardio into her day he thought he should at least get started on making breakfast for her and then prepare to wake her up.

So he got out the eggs and the spinach and the Oj and got started.
He knew y/n preferred a more protein style of breakfast instead of having something sweet and savory like plain old pancakes and bacon, she liked spinach omelettes with just the egg whites and absolutely no yolk,orange juice and toast....even though starch was a carbohydrate it gave her just the right amount of energy for the morning jog.

He continues to hum the jingle and again groaning at how annoying the ear worm was getting and rolls the omelette and places it on a plate, it was a ceramic plate, she was picky about using those plates but he'd wash it off for her when she was done.
Taehyung pops a couple pieces of bread in the toaster and pours her a glass of OJ.
when everything was finally done he put everything on a tray and walks toward her breakfast.
He felt his hands start to shake with nerves and his grin grew wider as he got closer to the door, with one shaking hand he twist the door knob and pushes.

He saw her and knew she must have immediately hopped in bed because she was still wearing the rainbow stripe t-shirt she wore yesterday to class, she'd need a shower.
Taehyung sighs and he places her tray on her lamp table causing a bottle of perfume she left on the table to tip over and hit the floor which felt like the loudest bang he'd ever heard.
He jumps and looks over at y/n to make sure he didn't wake her.

Y/n just stirs slightly in her sleep, and he sighs in relief.
He looks around the room casually but something caught his attention, a large baby blue hoodie.
Taehyung frowns and makes his way over to it, he picks up the hoodie and gush of cologne hits him in the face. He frowns even harder, "What?" He sniffs the clothing to make sure that was what he just smelt and sure enough it was...he knew it wasn't his...maybe it was that Julio kid who was in a few grades ahead of them.
He saw how flirtatious he was with y/n and he hated, he would just have to sit in class and watch this older boy try and steal his girl, and what was even more irritating was that she was falling for it and even went as far as taking home his sweater, Taehyung rolls his eyes his eyes and throws the hoodie onto the floor.

Taehyung turns and began taking off his jacket and jeans and slide into bed with her. Y/n groans and turns over facing him, Taehyung swallows watching what he could only describe as the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.
He takes his thumb and caresses her cheek with, feeling along the acne scars and uneven skin tone on her face.
He touches her nostrils along and giggles when she wrinkles nose, and he traces the curves of her lips and slightly pulls down on her bottom lip and watches it bounce back into place.
That's what finally woke her up, her eyes widen with shock .

"Wh-Who are you?"

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