Little cutie-Taehyung Kim (5/...)

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                             September 12,2010

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                             September 12,2010

Your bedroom

You spent your summer break in the states, your mom's cousin lived in America and she knew how much you wanted to go to California so she gathered enough money so you could visit.
You met so many great people and had an experience of a lifetime, but now you were back in South Korea and you were getting ready for the first day of Highschool.

You hadn't spoken to Taehyung yet, you wanted to surprise him.

Even though it was only two months you felt you've matured so much physically, you were taller, your hair grew a bit and you found out how to use makeup.

Your mom wasn't really a fan of the makeup bit but she was glad you were finding something you enjoyed, "Y/n you're gonna be late if you don't come down for breakfast"

You applied a layer of cherry gloss to lips, "Okay I'm coming now" you grab your book bag and run down stairs.
"Good morning mommy" you hugged her and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
"Hey hey I don't want that sticky whatever on my face" she wipes her cheek, you giggle and wipe her cheek for her.

"Sorry" you sat down and ate the food your mom prepared for you, "So you excited to see Taehyung?"

You smiled, "Of course I am, I just hope he's excited to see me..." you said with a weak smile, Taehyung was a little upset that you went away for the entire summer.
You weren't able to call him because you'd have to pay for the long distance call so you tried to send him pictures on your Twitter but he wouldn't respond back.
You just assumed he maybe was still upset.

"You go on to school I'll clean up"

"Mom..." you said, she shook her head "Go I said" she kisses you head and you were off to school.
This was your first time riding the bus, usually your mom would walk you but now you were old enough to go by yourself.

"Ive never seen something like that before" you heard someone whisper.
You scoff, when you were in California you met a African American girl who was quite proud of her race and it rubbed off on you greatly and she made you promise her you wouldn't take anymore racism back home.
"Well take a good look and get use to it" you snap at the man, when you turned you noticed a uniform and realized he went to your school.
Him and his friends immediately stopped laughing and he looked at you in astonishment, you rolled your eyes and continued to mine your own business,

When you got off the bus you stopped away to your school, you had to lose your attitude quickly before you found Taehyung.

"Hey! Hey!"

You heard a voice behind you yell, you turned hoping it'd be Taehyung but no it was the same kid from the bus.
"I'm kind of busy right now" you said and turned away, but you were pulled back by your arm, you gasped and looked at the kid who decided to grab you.
"Who do you think you are?!" You pull your arm from him, he looked hurt and embarrassed.

"It's only been two months..."

"Yeah I know how long summer break is!" You turn again and walk, you were prepared for him to grab you again so you'd have an excuse to slap him but it never happened.

"Y/n!" You stop in your tracks. Did he just say your name? How did he even know your name?


"You really don't know who I am?"

You look at him, he did look a little familiar but....


He points to his name tag and it clearly read Kim Taehyung.

Tears welled in your eyes and you ran straight into him, giving him to biggest hug you could. "I'm sorry" Taehyung pet your head and nods "It's okay...if anything I should be apologizing...I was talking about your shape and I guess your overheard"

You look at him and it was like your tears rolled back into your eyes, "My what?" You smack his shoulder repeatedly, "I'm sorry I didn't know it was you" he laughed.

"Still you shouldn't talk about girls like that in general"

He looks at you with a weird mixture of proudness and attraction.

He looks at you with a weird mixture of proudness and attraction

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"What?" You asked, he shook his head "Nothing nothing...You just grew up a lot...what has America done to my little y/n" he grabbed you cheeks and pulled at them.

"Hey!" You yelled, he smiles then let's your face go, "You were always taller than me but this is just going overboard now" you laughed as you tried to touch the top of his head (sorry if you're actually taller than him I'm really going based off her race, I've noticed Asian woman tend to be quite small) he took your head and put it to his heart.

"Can you feel how happy I am to see you?"

"You should maybe calm down then" you said feeling your cheeks blush, he rubbed a hand across your cheek and he seemed to be getting closer and closer until a teacher yelled at you two for PDA on school grounds.
You both said simultaneously with a bow, when he left you smacked Taehyung in the shoulder again.
"You're going to give me a bad reputation"

"So are you just gonna pretend we're not here or?..."

Taehyung clears his throat, he had forgotten all about his other friends who were standing just a couple of feet away.

"Guys this y/n" he smiles, one of the smiled brightly "This is y/ could you talk about your best friend like that" he laughed.

"Haha I already apologized to her Jimin" he said with a fake laugh, his other friend approached you, he had long hair and he was also shorter than Taehyung.

"I'm Moon bok" he cheesed, moon bok had a really nice smile and his hair somehow blew gracefully in the wind.

A 'woah' accidentally escaped your mouth, Taehyung cleared his throat, "We should get inside the school"

You nodded but continued talking to Moon bok, "I love your hair"

"Really? I like yours too...may I?"

"Only if I get to touch yours too"

And that's when the head massaging started, you massaged moon's and he massaged yours.

Taehyung came over snagged you away, "We have to go y/n..."

"Alright Alright...Lets see each other at lunch okay my hands are still itching for your hair Moon bok"

He waved you off and began walking with Jimin.

Taehyung huffed dramatically, "What?"

He shrugs "Nothing...I just don't think someone else should be touching you hair besides me"

You roll your eyes and chuckle, "Let's go Taehyungie"

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