Pastry girl-Hoseok Jung

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The bakery's bell chimes grabbing your attention

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The bakery's bell chimes grabbing your attention.

"Hi welcome to- oh hi Hoseok..."

You grin at him as he walked into the shop, Hoseok gives you a friendly smile back, "Hey y/n" he makes it to you and pats your head.
Just his fingers alone touching your head sends shivers up your back, "What are you having today?"

"I'll have a small order of chocolate mousse macarons and your mom's amazing Creme brûlée"

You smiled knowing you're mom would have to bake the Creme brûlée's sugar right at that moment so he'd be here longer, "Chocolate macarons? Hmm that's a first"

"Yeah it's for my special girl I assume she was upset that I left the chocolate croissant last time"

Your smile remained but your insides fell, "Oh right, make sure to remember to bring it this time alright?"
Hoseok laughs, "I won't...It's nearly our anniversary, the first time I met her was a year ago"


"Yeah I met her around the time I first found this place, I think of this bakery as kind of my good luck charm with our relationship..."

He continued to talk and you listened, even though it hurt like hell to, you listened while he waited for his order, he just went on about how happy he was to meet her a year ago and you just felt like crying but you couldn't do that to him...You couldn't make him feel guilty for being in love.

"The creme brûlée is ready Y/n"

"Yes mama! Hold on a second Hoseok let me bag up your stuff"

Hoseok stopped speaking and watched you put everything in a single bag, "Separate bags please"
You shook your head, "No way that's how you always end up leaving your girlfriend's stuff and I end up eating-"
"You eat them?" Hoseok asked, you chuckle, "Okay Listen my mom hates for her baking the go to waste and I love chocolate-"

"It'd be better that way anyways, I hope you enjoyed them" he said with an indescribable expression, he turns and leaves, you groan to yourself.
"Stupid, Stupid, Stupid" you smack your forehead, "Now I look like a weirdo" you lay your head down on the counter, almost twenty minutes passed before another customer came in.

"Hi welcome to-" the customer grabs your face and kisses you, immediately you pull away to look at the pervert until you realize.

"Ho-Hoseok?...What are you?..." You trailed off.

"I couldn't hold in any longer, knowing you at the treats I bought for you"

"For me? You said they were for your girlfriend"

Hoseok laughs, "I never said my girlfriend I said my special girl...I met you the same time I first came here, I knew you loved chocolate because I remember you kept trying to steal your mom's chocolate chip cookies, damnit y/n I like you... I only come here for you...And your mom's sponge cakes...but other than that it's you I don't even like Creme brûlée, I just knew it'd take your mom at least three hours to make, after walking out of this store I realized its to late to be shy and I need to confess" he rubbed his hands together nervously, you watch him with wide eyes.

"This entire time you were so supportive of my 'Relationship' I hated talking about you to you knowing you thought it was someone else...I know I shouldn't have kissed you without your consent but I couldn't help it"

You crack a smile, before you let out a laugh, "Wow...I will take those macarons now please"

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