Spooky boys- Maknae line

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"AHOOOOOH!" You heard someone howl from the top of the house, some guy dressed as a werewolf kept screaming at the moon

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"AHOOOOOH!" You heard someone howl from the top of the house, some guy dressed as a werewolf kept screaming at the moon.
He was drunk...very drunk, he nearly fell off the roof but his drunk friends grabbed him before he could.

It was Halloween night and you and your best friend were gonna party, you needed to take a load off from the week. You kept your costume simple and cute with a tight black dress and witch's hat, "Let's get this party started" your friend Dana,who was dressed like a sexy lion, dances to the music that was on midway.
You sway your hips trying to get into the groove until you realized you'd have to get a drink in you first, you excused yourself from her and made your way to the kitchen where a couple of people were doing body shots. Grimacing you quickly look for a beer, "Here you go" you heard a voice.
You look up and saw a brunette handing you a beer bottle.
"Thank you...Marty McFly?"

"Finally someone gets my costume

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"Finally someone gets my costume...I'm Jungkook by the way" he nods, you nod, it was beginning to get awkward.
You scratch your forehead and began to walk off until he calls you, "Could I ask for your name?"

"I'm y/n" you smiled, "You're a witch...cute"

"That's exactly what I was going for...I don't really do Halloween I just like the parties" (couldn't be me sis) Jungkook gasp, "Halloween wasn't fun when you were younger?"

"My parents didn't let me, it was the 'devil's holiday' to them" you rolled your eyes, Jungkook gasp again.
"Wow a childhood with no candy"

You nod, "Yeah but I barely had cavities so that's a plus" he chuckles with a understanding shrug, "You've got me on that...hey I understand you might have to get back to your friends but could I have your number? Maybe we could meet the real Y/n and Jungkook in November" He asked with hope spread on his face.
You snicker, "Yeah of course you can"

The two of you exact digits and you were on your way, you squint your eyes trying to find your friend until an arm grabs your waist, "Hey let's dance"

You roll your eyes for the second time of the night, "No thanks" the person pulls you back, "Just one dance...come on don't be a witch" he said jokingly.
You turn and look at the loser with a fake cleaver in his head, he seemed extremely intoxicated, "I said no...maybe you haven't learned what consent means in schools so let me just give you a lesson-"
"Ugh why does it always have to the bitches with nice bodies who won't give it up" he groans, you scoff, "Bitch?! The only bitch I see is you asshole get the fuck away from me!" You turn again and felt him grab you, getting into a fighting stance you readied yourself to punch him before a cheerful voice came over.

"Hey babe!" A man dressed in a tuxedo and a cane wrapped his arm around your neck.

"Hey babe!" A man dressed in a tuxedo and a cane wrapped his arm around your neck

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He looks at the guy with angry eyes, "Hey get off my girlfriend!"

The man lets your arm go immediately, "Who lets their girlfriend go out dressed like that anyways" he walks off into the crowd, "Thank you but I can fight my own battles"

"Your welcome and I was just being a gentleman, wanna get a drink Ms.witch?"

"Sorry I've already got one and my name is Y/n not Ms.witch"

"Well hello y/n I'm Taehyung...Can you guess who I am?"

You were still in a bit of a bad mood so you weren't really wanting to play his games, "I don't know a Preacher?" You said avoiding his eyes and still looking around for your friend.

"I'm Jay Gatsby...From the Great Gatsby?..." he said still pointing toward his outfit, you look at him and noticed he was rather handsome, but you still weren't in the best mood.

"What do you want a dance too?" You asked, Taehyung lips part, "Not exactly but maybe a decent conversation...But if I'm interrupting I can leave" he turns and walks away, seeing him leave with his head hung low made you feel terrible, especially because he did help you fight off that creep.
You ran over to him, "Okay I'll talk but if things get weird I'm dipping"

He laughs, "There will be no need for the dipping" he said in a 1920s actor's voice, you couldn't help but crack a smile at the accent, so for about thirty minutes you and Taehyung talked, he was really nice and really funny.
You ended up asking for his number, he seemed like a cool guy you'd wanna hang out with.

Unfortunately he got a call from his roommate so he had to leave, you were a bit lonely for a while until your friend found you leaning against a couch with an empty beer bottle in your hand.
"Girl what are you doing just standing there? Let's dance"

Your smile was immediately brought back and Dana dragged you to the middle of the dance floor and you guys moved.
The music was fast and easily gets anyone looking to dance pumped, you felt hands around your waist and you prayed it wasn't the loser cleaver-head guy because this time you were actually ready to dance with a stranger.
You stealthy slide your hand up and to feel their head, making sure there wasn't a plastic kitchen utensil attacked to it, there wasn't but when you pulled your hand down you saw specks a green on your fingers.

"It's just a little hair spray kitten" you heard him whisper, you turned and was met with a shirtless guy covered in tattoos which clearly were fake because they were smudged slightly from the grinding you two were doing.
You stared at him for a good moment, first being relieved it wasn't the cleaver-head guy and wondering if you just imagined him calling you kitten.

You stared at him for a good moment, first being relieved it wasn't the cleaver-head guy and wondering if you just imagined him calling you kitten

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(Y'all already know this is Jimin soo..)

"Why so serious?" He whispered into your ear, for some reason you found his whispering creepily attractive, "Aren't you suppose to be looking for your Harley Quinn?" you decided to play along.

"She had to take a rest...I'm with you that's all that matters" he said, his face inches from yours, "I hope you don't get in trouble pudding" you flirted, your friends dragging you to watch that suicide squad movie finally paid off for something.

"You're the one who should be worried" he said looking you deeply in the eyes, "Hmm should I?"

Finally you two kissed and it was hot, you had quite some luck you've met a sweet guy, a funny guy and a hot guy just in one night, who were all equally attractive.

"Wanna get out of here?"

"Oh you know I do"

Happy Halloween guys ☺️☺️

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