대박-Jimin Park (1/...)

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Tea was good in the mornings, it always gave me the push I needed to get my day started, I drink a mug of Blueberry tea and eat whatever food my mom sent me

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Tea was good in the mornings, it always gave me the push I needed to get my day started, I drink a mug of Blueberry tea and eat whatever food my mom sent me.

Mostly kimchi, but it was great nevertheless, I didn't have anything to do today so I could spend my day reading the newspaper,working out or other fun things.

Yes,exercising seemed fun today.

"Ah another missing teenager...what has the world come to where people just pick up children from the streets" I click my tongue as I place the paper down before going on to put on my normal gym clothes.

The gym was a second home for me, I believe that in order to be happy you need to be fit or you'll spend the rest of your life worrying about your health and if you'll die or not because of it.

"Hey Jimin we've missed you here" A familiar girl said, I nod her way, "I've only missed a day or two because of work, hopefully I can get my schedule back on track and see your face a little more" I wink causing her to smile harder.
I've had that charm since I could walk, even without speaking I could make someone knees buckle.

"Is that so?"

I hummed in agreement, and that was a con of this gift, they never seemed to stop talking, especially women.

"Maybe instead of the gym we could meet for dinner?" She said with hope coating her words, I shook my head "Hmm Maybe..."

I was never going to go on a date with her.

I'd usually stay at the gym for two or three hours, I decided I'd stay for four hours. I had some days to make up.
"Maybe you could call me?"

I mentally roll my eyes, she stayed behind even when her friends left just to bother me, I pull a bright smile "Maybe I'll do that" I said taking her number and sticking it in my shorts pocket.

Nope never going to call her

Mental note: Switch Gym Immediately

She left and I let out the sigh my body was forcing to hold back, she looked bland, very boring, she was raw tofu on plain white rice with milk to wash it down.
She was everything the colonist had but did not want, and I completely agree.

I slightly tapped my finger on the stirring wheel to the beat of the song, it was 'Slow motion' by Trey Songz, this has been on replay for month and a half now.
I've been waiting for someone to practice this song with me, but they were all boring.

I hum the lyrics when the car turns off.

"Ahh the sun is setting nicely" I grin watching the sky turn from a peachy orange to a purple black, but I was interrupted by rustling coming from my house.
I snap my head directly toward my porch and notice feet being swallowed by darkness.

I huff and make my way over, "Come out now...my home isn't a shelter"

They stayed completely still, "I said remove yourself from my porch right now!" I said raising my voice, I hated yelling but some people deserved it.

The person finally crawl from underneath and a head of curly hair caught my attention, Hmm interesting, this person kept their head down and didn't look at me once.

How rude.

"You decided to try and sleep at my home and when I catch you don't look me in the eyes?" I said squatting down to their level, I reach over and pull their chin.

"Hmm" I said, beautiful, she had this sort of raw beauty to herself, it was completely intriguing.

"I-I'm Sorry..." She said, I shrug, she seemed pretty young maybe a runaway.
"How old are you sweetie?"

"I'm s-sixteen"

Her stuttering was annoying me, I roll my eyes, "What is keeping me frown calling the police and telling them a minor is trying to take shelter underneath my porch without my permission"

"No please don't call the police! I'll leave now, your porch was the only hiding spot I could find" she said, tears already falling, she must have had some practice because those tears fell on an instant. "What's your name?"
She looks down at her thumb and plays with them on her lap, giving me the opportunity to look down at her body, she seemed pretty fit, maybe she was a runaway for a while and got in shape because of it.
"Will I get an answer?"

"My name is y/n" she said quickly, I nod, her name was riveting, "That's a beautiful name y/n...you're so young, why would you cause your parents so much fear like this?"

"My parents don't love me...they gave me away when I was six and my foster parents are even worse" she scoffs with her arms crossed, Oh so that's a bit of a trigger for her.

I smile sweetly her way "Come in my house...I'll get you some warm clothes and food"

She straightaway followed me to my house, my charm was radiating and I wasn't even trying.

I place my hand on her lower back and feel the muscles on them, she wasn't that fit after all, I was definitely stronger then her but she was possibly faster then me, but I'll try to avoid giving her the opportunity to run.

This was based off a taekook imagine I read and LOVED
Definitely will be a part two

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