Yoongi-Yoongi Min(8/...)

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Writing the romanization of korean words makes me cringe now...please bare with me

Yoongi refused for you to sleep on the couch so you finally slept in a bed again and you were refreshed and woken up my muffled laughter and loud slapping.
Your face grimaces in disgust, assuming what could be the worst outside your door.

'Maybe all those fanfics were right and the boys do have monthly orgies'

You shiver and shake the thought away and slowly opens the door, Taehyung was kneeling on the floor banging his fist against it while his other hand rubbed his bottom.
You cover your mouth to hold your laughter, 'What in the hell were they doing' you silently step out the room and watch the guys in the living room.
Jimin was leaned over the couch arm and Jungkook was lifting his hand in the air, right before it lands on the target you spoke.
"What are you guys doing" the three youngsters jump up and look at you, Jungkook quickly rolls down his sleeve.
"N-nothing....you're up early"

"It's 3 in the afternoon..."

They all remained quiet, "Was I...interrupting something?"

"No of course not" Jungkook grins at you "We can watch a movie...maybe a scary movie, if you get too scared you can hold onto me" he smiles shyly, you pout at him, "Aww you're so sweet jungkook" you pat his head.
"Stop flirting with her" Taehyung growls, Jimin nods "And if she's gonna hold onto someone it's gonna be me...right" he gives you the sweetest smile he could muster.

"Hmm maybe"

"What's going on guys?"

You turn and see Yoongi, immediately you skip over to him and wrap your arm around his. You and Yoongi had been sneaking off for a couple of weeks now to...have fun but you guys were never able to just chill afterwards because you two would  have to quickly get dressed and pretend nothing happened.
"We're watching a movie...come sit with me"

"I can't...I'm going to the studio"

"I'll come too"

"N-noona...you said you'd watch a movie with us"

You turn just as the boys faces held pouty lips and puppy dog eyes, being the only child you knew how to work that face and it could never work on the master of it.
That's like trying to teach Gordon Ramsay how to make his Lobster Ravioli...it's nonsensical to attempt.
"Sorry boys me and Yoongi have other plans"

"We wanna come too then!"

You smiled dumbfounded, "Seriously?"

They nod in unison, "We just wanna watch hyung....and you"

"You're not coming with us, let's go Y/n" Yoongi grabs your hand and walks you away, the boys groan, "Damnit you talk to much Taehyung..." Jimin scowls
"I mean what are you gonna do not listen to him?" jungkook said.

You smile to yourself, sure you did wanna watch a movie with them but being with Yoongi was gonna way more fun.
"We could have just gone up to your room Jin isn't here yet"

He looks at you in confusion, "Oh you thought we were going there to have sex huh? No, no you don't give it up in a music studio remember?" Yoongi said with matter-of-fact tone, you screw your lips tight.
You two stop at the second door where everyone's shoes were.
(Y'all know how korean houses be having a door where their shoes are and then another where the actual house is)
"Okay, okay I'm sorry...I was playing hard to get and it obviously didn't work" you mumbled to yourself.
"Even still...I don't want my studio smelling like sex anyways...there's no windows and will take days to get rid of"

"Who's there that would mad anyways"

"You're brother, he almost caught us the first time. If he walks into my studio and gets even an idea that there's been a girl here the first person he's gonna assume is you" Yoongi said as he held your cheeks, you huff, "Sneaking around sucks"

"Yeah...it does" he leans in and kisses you, "But it makes everything else twice as exciting" he kisses you again.
"Noona before you-"

You guys quickly pull away and see Jimin standing at the door frame, "Why are you guys kissing?"

"Kissing? We weren't kissing-"

"We were kissing...what are you gonna do about it?"

Your eyes widened as you look at Yoongi, 'what in the are you doing' you thought.

"Are you guys like dating or something"

The both of you pause and look at each other, "Are we dating?" You asked, Yoongi inhales "Well...yeah"
"Noona!" Jimin shouted in a almost a whiny tone. You guys look at him strangely, not expecting that come out his mouth.
"What the hell?" Yoongi mumbled, "You messed up our bet, me, Taehyung and jungkook all betted to see who could get you first"
Your lips part, "What?"

"I said we made a bet-... I mean what?"

"You guys are betting on my girlfriend" Yoongi said in disbelief, you turn to look at him, "Aw you called me your girlfriend"

"Not the best time y/n"

"Right sorry...my boyfriend asked you a question"

"We didn't know you guys were dating in the first place!"

You hesitate for a moment before speaking again, "Even still...you guys were so wrong to do something like that to me...I thought you were good boys"

Jimin steps closer and sulks "I am a good boy it was Taehyung's idea anyways"

"Very disappointed in you Jimin...but if you keep this a secret I will forgive you"

"...Okay I swear"

You nod "Alright you're forgiven Jimin, now go tell the boys that I like you best"

Jimin grins, "Okay!"

You turn to Yoongi who just chuckles shock, "Who knew what a manipulator you were..."

"I'm an only child, I was bound to be gifted with this blessing let's go"

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