Jealous - Jimin Park(3/3)

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Jimin woke up with the sun blinding him, he groaned as pain spread through out his brain

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Jimin woke up with the sun blinding him, he groaned as pain spread through out his brain.

"Who the hell opened my curt-" he looked up noticing his room had made a completed 180, he threw his face in his hands.

He was in a girl's room, he could tell because of light perfume smell, and the jewelry box. Jimin felt a pit of anger in his stomach, Jimin was disappointed in himself, he wasuppose to be making up with y/n but he just slept with a random girl-

"Monica!...I will kill you!"

Jimin pulls his head up and the familiar voice made his heart flutter, he bit his lip and did a quick fist pump, if they slept together they must have made up and since they made up he can finally start the relationship he wanted with her.

He pulls her covers up and checks if he had cleaned up the mess they made,but there was no mess at all, just the jeans he remembered putting on before going to a party Taehyung invited him to, he furrowed his eyebrows and ran a hand through his hair.

"What happened?"

"You drove drunk to my house and fell on me" you said sneaking up on him, Jimin jumps and looks your way, you were wearing a t-shirt and your hair was in a neat bun.

You looked so perfect to him, everything you had said slipped right over his head, he gave you a goofy smile.

"How do you manage to look so beautiful in the morning"

"How do you manage to ignore everything I could have killed yourself!"

And those were his trigger words, he remembered struggling to drive down the street and not really noticing any cars around him, when he made it to your house he stumbled over and almost fell asleep at your door until you opened it and started talking started talking to him

"Jimin! Are you crazy you drove here! You could have gotten yourself killed!"

He vividly remembered hearing you say,and everything else was a blur as he fell out on you.

He fell on you...'did I? I can't do something like that to her...or anyone'

Jimin eyes move over to you as you crossed your arms, "Did I do something wrong?"

You part your lips to tell him off but he interrupts "I mean after I've driven under the did I do something wrong to you"

"Well when you knocked me down I scratched my arm so-"


"Relax it's not that b-"

"Y/n why are you being so calm about this...I slept in your bed even after I..." he looks off, trying to avoid I contact,until he heard laughter.

It wasn't your laughing either, your friends from last night were standing in the doorway listening to the conversation.

"Bitch oh my god he think he did some rapist shit" Monica laughs slapping Sherry's shoulder, all three of them were wiping tears from their eyes.

You however didn't notice what he was getting at until they said, "Oh Jimin no-no you just passed out and-"

"If anything we could have done something to you and you wouldn't have known"

Jimin immediately looks at you for reassurance, you shook your head and he sighed of relief,

"What? Usually that's a guys dream to have two girls at once, you had four"

You turn to Bree and wave your hand, "Please guys...I just wanna talk with him...alone"

Monica huffs "Alright girls let's finish breakfast"

"Oh shit I forgot to turn off the stove" Sherry yelled before racing down the steps with the others following behind her, you close your door and lean your back on it.

Jimin swallows, "I see why your friends with them...they'"

"Jimin stop..."

He shuts his mouth instantly and stares at you, you purse your lips.

"Why would you embarrass me like that...I thought our feelings were mutual...did you forget you were the one who said 'this is for fun no feelings okay ' or I am making that up"

"No you aren't...but I'm sure you've heard friends with benefits never actually stay friends, y/n please...I know I shouldn't have don it like that but I was just so angry when I saw you and that guy about to go upstairs I just wanted him to feel the way I felt"

"And how did that turn out?"

"I only upset you and I'm sorry" he stood, feeling dizziness in his brain but he ignores it and continues to walk over to you, you kept your gaze on the floor.

"Y/n I- I love you...and I'm saying this without the post orgasmic light headed feeling...because I want you to know that I mean this, I want us to go on a real date and have real meaningful kisses, we don't even have to have sex anymore I just want you to realize that you are something I need"

You look up at him through your lashes "Jimin..."

Jimin but his lip as he waited for your answer, you wet you bottom lip fully fix your eyes to his and reply

"Well the sex doesn't have to stop"

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