Yoongi- Yoongi Min (7/...)

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You pursed your lips as you stood outside of the genius lab, hearing a faint piano playing you assumed he had music on.
Reaching down and ringing the bell you huff, you knew you would have to finally talk to him but it was gonna be so awkward.
"Jimin I'm not on Vlive if that's what you're knocking- Oh hey y/n"

"Hello...goodbye" you panicked and began walking away, "Woah wait" he grabs your arm, you grimace, "Damnit" you turn and fake a smile, "Just dropping by all the guys studios...and now goodbye"

He doesn't let go and you look at him, "Yoongi..." you said in annoyance.
"Just come in I gotta show you something" without giving you a chance to respond he pulls you in the studio, you inhale.
"Okay I'm sorry I rammed my head into your privates but you shouldn't have been that close in the first place-"

"Shh just watch" he sat down at the keyboard and played a melody, you were about to argue with him for telling you to 'Shh' but got distracted by the nice song.
It was the same song that you heard outside the door, "Who's song is that?"

"Mine...I wrote it twenty minutes ago...I keep hearing it in my head"

"It's...pretty" You nod, "You can sit if you want...the stool over there"
Grabbing the stool you place it beside him and  continue to watch him play it.
"Wanna help me with something?"
"Sure" you grinned,

Yoongi points at a key, "Count to five and then press it"

"Well...okay..." you count to five in your head before pressing it, he held up his hand to let you know you could stop.
"That was cool" Yoongi nods, "That was lame"

"What? No you did great"

"I pressed a note Yoongi" you shook your head, "You wanna try out the keyboard" You nod excitedly, Yoongi got up form his set and allowed you to replace him.
"Alright you can place your hands-"

You interrupt him and began playing 'Berceuse' on the piano.

Watch it if you actually care that much 😂😂

"If you haven't realized wealthy people love when their kids know how to play an instrument and I played this piece for the talent portion for the Miss Teen USA of 2009" you smiled proudly, Yoongi chuckles in shock.
"You tricked me"

"I did not you just assumed I couldn't play" you laughed looking at him, Yoongi sat in the stool beside you.
"You were Miss teen USA?"
You sigh and smack your fingers on the keys causing a horror movie sound on the board, "No I was runner up...To Stormi Henley" you said in a annoyed tone.
"Sorry I asked" Yoongi suppressed a laugh, "It's not funny, she sang that stupid song and the judges were eating out of the palm of her hand...piano takes real talent" you smile to yourself.
"I completely agree" Yoongi plays around with the keys.
"So was that the only reason you came?" Yoongi asked nonchalantly, you hum in confusion.
"You came to apologize...that's alll?"

"Well...yeah...why did you want something else? Look I might have head budded your junk but I'm sure you can't sue me because you got to close" you joked, Yoongi shook his head with a smile, "Nah that's not what I wanted" he chewed down on his lip.

"You're kind of cute when you bite your lip like that" you word vomited, you slap your hand over your hand, "I didn't mean to say-"
Yoongi pulls your hand down and kisses you, for a moment you were shocked and remained still until you felt your self melting into the kiss.
Slowly he pulls away and stares you in the eyes, "You're kind of cute when you say I'm kind of cute"
You roll your eyes and look away, Yoongi pulls you back into a kiss.
This time it being a little heated, he stand you up and pulls you close.
You pull away and laugh, "I am not giving it up in a music studio...I'll see you later Yoongi" you peck his his cheek.
"Bye" you wave his way before leaving the room, "Y/n?" You jump hearing your name, "Hey Seokjin" you grin.
Jin crosses his arms, "What?" You question, "I'm not stupid Y/n"

"I don't know what you're talking about" you shrugs while trying to walk away, Jin holds out his arm .
"Y/n" he warned, "What Seokjin?!...gosh" you shook your head and walk away.
Seokjin sighs in irritation, he opens Yoongi's door and finds him sitting at his keyboard playing a song.

"Min Yoongi"

Yoongi looks at the elder with a straight face, "Yes?"
"I warned you before...But you're not going to understand until Y/n has to go back to Europe and you're heartbroken or you two get caught" Jin scowls, Yoongi shrugs.
"I don't know what you're talking about" he quickly goes back to playing the keyboard, Jin clenched his fist.
"I'm not fucking stupid!" He marches over an knocks the keyboard over, Yoongi gasp and stood to his feet, "Hy-Hyung! That was four hundred dollars"

Jin heaves, "I'll get you a new one next week..." he goes to leave before turning back to him, "And I'm still mad at you" he slams the door leaving a fuming Yoongi inside.
"What the fuck" he swear under his breath. "He's crazy"

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