Loli- 7/7 (8/...)

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Double upload just because y'all wanted to                             know what happened

Double upload just because y'all wanted to                             know what happened

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After y/n  woke up from her unexpected nap, she groans at how hot it was in her room.

So she changed into some frilly underwear and a tank top which helped cool her down immediately, she was also hungry so she made her way downstairs to make a bowl of cereal.
As she was getting the milk from the fridge she felt a presence press against her, she knew who it was by the cologne he was wearing.
"Jiminie..." she said turning  around, Jimin smiles and puts his hand on her waist and kisses her, kisses weren't anything special when it came to Jimin because he was the only one who kissed her on the lips, but only when they were alone.
"Did you just wake up?"

She nods before letting out a little yawn and rubbing her eye with the back of her fist, "I want corn flakes" she cheeses.
"Hold on baby I'll get it for you"

He walked to the pantry and came back with the familiar white box, y/n  reaches for the cereal but Jimin pulls it back teasingly

"Give me another kiss for it first"

y/n  quickly stood on her tippy toes and gave him the hardest kiss she could, she really wanted that cereal.

Jimin was shocked a little but felt excitement spark in his pants, he pulls her closer accidentally dropping the box, y/n  attempts to pull away  "My cereal" she whined, but Jimin ignored it and began trying to stick his tongue in her mouth and grind himself on her.
y/n  tried pushing him away "oppa ...let me " her voice got quieter, Jimin then bit down on her neck which made a yelp escape her lips, that caught his attention and he snatched his body away covering his mouth

"y/n  I'm sorry" he said, her eyes were welling up with tears as she held her neck. "That h-hurt" she sniffles, "Please don't cry...I didn't know, forgive me princess"

y/n  still has tears staining her cheeks and she was hiccuping involuntarily "It's...okay"

Jimin never felt this bad in his life, he didn't even hear her pleads for him to stop but he should have just controlled himself.

"I'll make you a bowl just go upstairs okay princess?" He said patting her head, y/n  nods still trying to catch her breath "Thank you"

An hour later, y/n couldn't forget the situation and wanted to distract herself, she wanted to play dress up.

And she knew exactly who she wanted to play with, "Tae Oppa " she murmured outside his door, she was told to get permission before walking in that room because they may be doing something very important and she could probably disrupt them.

When she heard shuffling she knew he was about to open the door "Yes?" He questioned protruding his head through the small crack he made in the door. "May you play with me...I wanna dress you up"
She juts out her body lip.
Taehyung without hesitation agreed, he loved playing with y/n, she was his favorite person.

He allowed the young girl to drag him in her room, pastels and stuff animals was her theme and Taehyung loved it.
"What am I gonna be y/n ?"

"A pretty lady bug"

She goes over to her drawers and looks through it, Taehyung watches her pull things out and toss them in the air, he giggles before clearing his throat. "I found it oppa"

She pulls out the short lady bug dress with detachable wings "Hoseok oppa got this for me"

"Yes I remember"

She hands him the get up and Taehyung slips it over his shirtless frame keeping on his sneakers and basketball shorts, "You look pretty oppa" she giggles showering his face with kisses, Taehyung laughs.

Taehyung and y/n  were tittering none stop until Taehyung's came to a halt, "y/n  what's that?"

He pointed to her neck, y/n 's hands fly up to cover the bruise she forget to hide. "Nothing...I hurt myself" she didn't like lying but she didn't wanna get Jimin in trouble hurting her.

"y/n ..." he said in a warning tone, Taehyung never gotten this intense with her. "Promise you won't tell Daddy"
She puts out a pinky finger and immediately he wraps his around hers.

Taehyung shakes his head up and down "I won't tell him promise"

y/n  took in a breath before speaking "Jimin...bit me" she chokes out, "He tried to put his tongue in my mouth and he-he pressed against me"she was about to cry again just thinking about it. Taehyung frowns "What!?..."
Y/n hides her face on his shoulder "He didn't mean it oppa I promise "
Taehyung kissing her head "...It''s okay...let's go put some clothes on"

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