Girls, Girls,Girls-Namjoon Kim

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"Come on they won't let me in without a girl" Namjoon begs, you cock an eyebrow, "Why do they want you to bring a girl so bad"

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"Come on they won't let me in without a girl" Namjoon begs, you cock an eyebrow, "Why do they want you to bring a girl so bad"

Namjoon scratches his head, "Well I never thought about it, maybe they don't want a bunch of guys at one house party, come y/n please I need to get in their rap circle"

Namjoon was desperate, this was the rap group he wanted to join since he first heard about hip hop.

"Okay I'll go..." you shrug, feeling slightly sorry for him, "Yes thank you,thank you,thank you!"  He hugs you tightly spinning you around for a second before running off, he jogged backwards still thanking you and fist bumping.

And this is how you found yourself in the passenger seat of an Uber, you were barely a block from the house and you could hear the music playing loudly, you hated loud music.

But this was for joonie.

And of course you guys are probably asking, why isn't Namjoon dropping you off? Well that's a question you couldn't answer yourself.
He just said "Sorry, sorry I can't pick you up, sorry"

And he hung up on you.

"Party!" Someone yelled banging against the window, the Uber driver honks and screams.

"Sorry here...Here's a twenty for your troubles"

"No no you keep that... A nice girl like you will need all the money luck she can get at a place like this"

You give him the sweetest smile you could muster, he gives you a sympathetic nod.
You leave the car and walk into the house, ignoring a drunk couple trying to asking you to dance.

"Now we bout to turn this bitch up Aight!"

You roll your eyes, this definitely was not your scene, your eyes made their way onto a stage.
There was a damn stage in this house...for what just the occasional party.
But anywho, you notice the guys in the group were up on the stage, everyone was going crazy cheering and screaming.
They rapped, for a long time,

"Now I wanna introduce y'all to our newest member, he becomes a man tonight!"
It was almost impossible to keep your eyes from rolling to the back of your head, everyone was just so cringeworthy and the fact that they're saying Namjoon is becoming a man because he's joining the group was the straw that broke the camel's back.

That's when joonie came out and instantly found your eyes and smiles your way, a guy whispers over to Namjoon and he looks at him in shock before rapidly shaking his head.
It kind of looked like they were having a slight argument before the announcer spoke again.

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