Exploited boy- Jimin Park (3/6)

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They decided on meeting up somewhere, they met at the mall, Jimin found her in the food court, she was drinking a mango boba tea.
She would occasionally look down at her phone, possibly looking for a text from him or checking the time. "Guess who?" Jimin asked as he covered her eyes, Y/n taps her chin, "Hmm is it...Chadwick Boseman?"

Jimin uncovers your eyes and leans over to meet eyes with you, "What?" He asked in pure confusion, y/n giggles.
"Finally you made it, I thought you stood me up"

"I'd never" he hands her a package, y/n looks up at him.
"What's this?"

"A gift for our first date"

Y/n 'oohs' "I love gifts" she opens it and saw a huge cookie inside, "A cookie?" She laughs, "Yeah that's why I was so late...I was trying to figure out what type of cookie you liked until I realized everyone loves chocolate chip"

"Let's share it" she grinned, Jimin sat down in the seat in front of her. Y/n broke the cookie into two halves. "Wow these are so good" she moaned, Jimin chuckles.
"Yeah..." they finished the treat and got up, they went to stores that seemed interesting, surprisingly Jimin enjoyed shopping just as much as Y/n.

"How's this?" Jimin held a jacket up to his neck, "Eh...I like it in blue though" you picked up the blue one and held up to him.
"Yeah this was complements your skin tone"

Jimin smiles at her, he turns to go try on the clothes but two young girls had waltzed their way over to him and y/n.
"You're Gunner Rox!" one of them cheered, their phones already out, Jimin's eyes widened.

They said his stage name, in front of Y/n, "Can we get a picture, please just one" they pleaded.
Jimin nods awkwardly and leaned in to hug the each of them as they took selfies.
"Okay, Okay I'm kind of in the middle of something" he interrupted after he noticed them taking way more than 'One' picture.
They turn and look at Y/n, "Oh...I guess we took up enough of your time" they said still staring at  Y/n with sharp eyes.

Y/n frowns as they walk pass her, "What was that-"

"Could we possibly go to a different store I think they're still recording me"

Y/n nods as she saw the girls trying to stealthy take videos of him behind clothing racks, Jimin lays the clothes on a bench and left with his hands intertwined with Y/n's.
"Okay do you mind explaining what that was all about?"

"I...I...I'm sorry, Okay...I-"

"Nevermind, If you don't wanna tell me now, it's fine tell me when you're ready" Y/n stopped him, she could sense the panic and discomfort, it was plastered all over his face.
Jimin looks down, "Could we start over, please and just act like none of that ever happened"

Y/n sighs and looks away, "Well alright, as long as we never see those girls again" she looks at Jimin, he looks at her, y/n eyes grew wide and doll like.
Jimin lips spread into a smile, "Wow you're adorable"

"Shut up" She said nudging him, Jimin laughs and he wraps an arm around her shoulder, "Let's go to Aeropostale"

They did a little more shopping, they each left with four bags on their arms.
"Well that was a fun first date, what should we do for the next one" y/n asked casually, Jimin double takes her, "Ah so you do wanna go on another date...Maybe we should go traditional and have dinner?"

"I like our unique style of dating, why don't we walk my cat, get tacos and people watch?"

"People watch?" Jimin asked amused, Y/n nods, "Yeah people watch, you just secure a spot on a bench and watch the people around and try and figure out where they're headed to and why"

Jimin nods with a smile, "Oh you have a cat too?"

"Yeah, he's rather active, he likes walks and he also usually my only company when I people watch so he might get a little jelly" She shook her head, Jimin's smile never seemed to leave as he watched her talk.
She was so quirky yet so pure at the same time, Jimin was really starting to like her.

They sat in Jimin's car and just listened to the radio, Y/n was trying to show off her 'singing skills' for Jimin and was making him laugh.
They stayed there for a moment until Y/n got a call, "Hello? Oh shoot I'm sorry Nicholas, I'll be right out" she hug up, "Damnit I'm such a forgetful person" she smacks her forehead.
"What's up?"

"My little brother heard that I was going to the mall and asked if I could take him and his friend, they're looking for me now" she chuckles, Jimin shrugs "It's cool, I'll walk with you"
They got out the car and looked around for two young boys, finally Y/n spotted them.

They held GameStop bags in their hands, "Of course you bought more video games" she chuckles, her brother fakes a laugh.
"Jimin this is my brother Nick and his friend Mikey, guys this is Jimin"

"Gunner?" Mikey spoke, his voice wavering, Y/n frowns at her brother's friend.
"Okay who the hell is gunner and why do you guys keep calling him that?!"
Jimin remains quiet and the two fourteen year olds study him, to see if this is who they're actually seeing.
"Nick...come on that's rude" Y/n growls, Nicholas blinks, "Sorry I thought he was someone I knew named Gunner" he said still looking at him suspiciously.
Jimin finally spoke, "Hey I'll see you next week"

"Alright, text me tonight" she smiles, Jimin smiles for a moment before he left.

"You guys made him feel so uncomfortable"

"I think you're dating a porn star" Nicholas said flat out, Y/n rolls her eyes, "Okay you don't even know him, you can't just insult people based on their looks-"

"I'm serious, I remember him- I meant I think I...Um-"

"Okay first of all you shouldn't be watching that kind of stuff anyways,does momma know?!" Y/n puts a hand on her hip, "You're missing the point, you're dating a guy who has sex on camera for a living"

"No way, Jimin doesn't seem like that" Y/n crosses her arms, "News flash y/n porn stars don't have a specific type of personality"

"Uh news flash you're fourteen and shouldn't be watching adult films in the first place, I'm an adult and even I don't watch those weird things"

"Yeah but you're a prude"

Y/n jaw locks and she exhales, "I guess you guys are walking home today" she takes out her keys and storms off to her car having the two males follow behind in a panicked manner.

"Hey I was just joking!"

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