Exploited boy- Jimin Park(1/6)

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"Come on Jimin we're just going out for a drink and then you can go back into your cave" Taemin begged, "I'm a bit tired"

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"Come on Jimin we're just going out for a drink and then you can go back into your cave" Taemin begged, "I'm a bit tired"

"We get it having to fuck two girls for over two hours is so tiring but we've got money to blow and real orgasms to peak" Tae-min claps his hands as Jimin laughs, Jimin got up and pulled on some random clothes and ran down the steps.

"Finally the kid is ready now let's go!" Kai jokes as he grabs Jimin and ruffles his hair, "Hey little kid? This little kid gets more than you ever will daily"

"Hah yeah right you have to get yourself up because none of those cougars actually turn you on" Jimin chuckles lightly, he rubs his neck uncomfortably.
He hated how his roommates would explicitly bring up his job even in public, being an adult star wasn't exactly something Jimin was proud of and he didn't want the world to find out about it through his big mouth friends.
"Well let's hit up this pub" Taemin wraps his arm around the two males and drag them out the house.

As soon as the arrive they immediately enter the dance floor, they met each other in dance school so dancing.
Jimin allowed a girl to grind on him as he swayed to the sensual music, before his eyes grew bored with the back of her head he shifts them around and spots an almost out of place human

Jimin allowed a girl to grind on him as he swayed to the sensual music, before his eyes grew bored with the back of her head he shifts them around and spots an almost out of place human

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She sat cutely at the table and watched her friends from afar, you would catch her returning them fake grins as if she was content with drinking her nonalcoholic strawberry lemonade.
Jimin ditched the girl he danced without a word and made his way over to this mystery female, "Hi" he said as he sat in her chair.
She chokes on her juice before she laughs, "Oh I'm sorry you just scared me"

He thought her laugh sounded like his favorite song, "I'm y/n by the way"

"Y/n that's pretty...I'm Jimin" he pats his chest trying to gesture over the now for lively upbeat music, Y/n nods, "That's not an American name is it?"

"Nah I'm korean but I moved here when I was thirteen"

"Oh thirteen?! That must have been so hard, you know language barrier and all" Y/n exclaimed,Jimin chuckles at her excited tone.
"Well actually...you're completely right I was a mess I cried every night because I missed my parents"

Y/n pouts, "But here you are even approaching women" she proceeds to smile, "Pretty impressive" y/n nods, Jimin laughs with a clap of his hands.
"Ah you're cute, so what are you drinking"

"A strawberry lemonade"

"A lemonade? Are you not twenty one yet?"

"Well I'm actually nineteen but I've ingested alcohol and it's not my cup of tea I prefer sugary juices" she nods, Jimin laughs again, he thought she was so adorable.
"What are you doing after this?"

"Well for one I'm gonna go home, I'm getting rather tired and bored" she shrugs her shoulders, "Why don't I take you home for the night?"
Y/n pauses she places her cup down with an eye roll, "I knew this was way to good to be true...I'm out of here"  she grabs her purse and gets up to leave him.
"Hey wait what happened we were having a good time"
Y/n scoffs before she looks him in the eyes, glaring him down, "I'm not easy, you can't just have a conversation with me and expect something back in return"
Jimin chuckles and shook his head, "I meant take you to your house" he pulls out his keys, "If you're so bored I'll take you" Y/n eyes him suspiciously.
"I'm not naive either, I'm not about to let a complete stranger 'take me back to my place' you could do a complete 180 on the way home and kill me"

Jimin again laughs, "Do I look like someone who would kill you?" He smiles sweetly, "Yes..." she deadpans.
"Okay how about you take a picture of me and you together and everything send it to your friends and if you do go missing, which you won't, I will easily go to jail, which I won't because I'm not going to kill you"

Y/n taps her chin, "Hmm...okay" she takes out her phone and takes a selfie with Jimin, "Tomorrow maybe you could post that on Instagram because you and me look good" Jimin nods.
"Haha yeah right"

"Okay promise me, if I get you home safely you will post that picture somewhere...even if it's on MySpace" Jimin jokes, y/n tries to contain her giggle but it slipped out.
"Okay stop making me smile, you could still be a murderer" she laughed, Jimin beckons for her to follow him, Y/n hesitantly follows suit.

"So what will that be Twitter? Instagram?" Jimin smirks as he pulls up to her house, seeing a mansion like home with three cars already parked in the drive way.
"Woah do you live in a sorority home or something?"

"No...oh, that's my mom's car, my dad's car and mine. I didn't take mine because Keisha said she wouldn't abandon me at the club this time" She shrugs scratching her shoulder, she seemed uncomfortable talking about her parents.
"Wow so y/n is a little rich girl?"

"Shut up" She giggles slapping his shoulder, Jimin held his hands up in defense, "Okay I'll stop if you give me your number" he said biting down on his bottom lip.
"Well...only because you got me home in one piece, here" she stuck out her phone, Jimin fist pumps.
Y/n laughs at him, "I'll walk you  to the front door" She approves they both leave the car.
As they made their way up the long driveway, y/n talked, "Thank you seriously though for not being a murderer"
"You're welcome?"
"Okay I mean like thank you for dropping me off, my parents would be thankful as well but I'm pretty sure they're-"

"Y/n!" They snap their heads to the front door, "Momma?" Her mother stood in her silk robe and was pointing a flashlight their way.
"Who is this?"
Y/n exhales with a smile, "This is a friend of mine, he just dropped me off home"

"Where is Keisha?"

"Oh Keisha?...she got really tired so I just left her house and called my friend Jimin to pick me up" Jimin looks at her with wife eyes. Her parents didn't know she was at a nightclub they thought those things were demon infested and you could catch a disease from it.
"Hm...Next time just sleep over and let us know...I'd prefer that than you with some random boy" she eyes Jimin from head to toe, "Momma!"
Her mother snaps her eyes at you, "Get your ass in this house...Raising your voice at me!"
Y/n sighs and gives Jimin an apologetic expression.

"Goodnight Jimin" she enters the house, her mother looks at Jimin with a scowl, "I want you off my property and you will never return here, you will not rub off your demonic ways on my daughter"
Jimin frowns with confusion, he barely said anything to her but she's speaking to him like she's known him his entire life, he had to realize that even though the lady blatantly insulted him he had to remain respectful.
"Yes ma'am..." he backs away from their porch and back down the driveway and into his car.
"Demonic ways?" Jimin shook his thoughts away and drive home.

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