House keeper-Taehyung Kim

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"I see this is your first time being an official house maid...why should I pick you over all the other women who have"

The woman cocked a brow, she was mildly intimidating, she had her hair in a updo with a fur shawl over her shoulders.
She probably dressed like that to show off how much money she has.

"Well I actually come from a family of house maids, my great great grandmother became a maid to a Caucasian family...who also inherited my great grandmother as a maid and so on...I decided to break that chain because I would like to be thought of as a person and not something that's hand down family's fine China"

You looked down at your fingers,feeling heat rise to your cheeks after pouring out her feelings.

"You have a way with words Ms. L/n...You can start now, We have dishes that need to be cleaned"

The dark skinned girl (yup this for y'all 😍) jumps up and shouts, "Oh thank you thank you thank you will not regret this!"

She smirks, "If you don't head to the kitchen now I will" You apologize quickly and speed walk to their kitchen, it was a beautiful room with tile floors, marble counters.

Everything looked fresh and was the word she was looking for.

You looked into their history before applying and noticed they rarely kept their housekeepers for long. That's what originally drew you in but looking at the perfect kitchen kind of confused y/n.

Why would a housekeeper quit a easy job like this?

It was wasting your time thinking about what could possibly be wrong,so you began the dishes and quickly finished them.
Considering they only had three plates and a spoon in the sink, you sighed with content realizing your first job would be your easiest.

"Who are you?"

Y/n turned, her eyes wide as saucers, this person had scared you .

"I'm y/n...The new maid..." you said awkwardly, his eyes scanned you from head to toe and you were starting to feel naked under his gaze.

"Do you work here to or..."

He chuckles and rolls his eyes, "Do I look like a butler to you?"

"Well...Do I look like a maid to you?"

He looks at you again but with a certain smug expression, like he was going to say something extremely disrespectful.
"Well maybe if you began wearing the cute little maid's outfit my mother get, you will"


He was Mrs.Kim freaking son,Y/n just smart mouthed her son, but to be fair he did start it, You exhale.
"I'm sorry" you bow your head in shame, "I should have guessed you were her son, my apologies"

You followed your mother's rules.

1)The home owner is always right, even if they are wrong.

It burned your insides to apologize like this but you needed to keep this job for at least a month so your mom won't make you work for the family she does.

"What have they been feeding you?"

"Um...excuse me?" Your head lifted only to see he was no longer in front of you but behind you.
You turn his way immediately "Excuse you?!"

It was clear now why he had asked that question, but he was ballsy enough to ask you it again.

"Your shape is very...womanly, what are the meals that supported this?"

You scoff and turn to go find something else to do in the house, but he gripped your wrist, "I asked a question y/n..."

You eye him and snatch your arm away, "I don't converse with perverts thank you very much" as you turn a hand collided with your backside and a stinging sensation ran up your spine.
You haven't felt that feeling in a long, It was as if your mother had heard you and spanked you right then and there.

Your snap around to make sure she wasn't.

She wasn't

Just Mrs.Kim son standing there with a smile on his face, "Hmm...Let's see how long you'll last"

He passes by you but gropes your butt while doing so, tears had built in your eyes, you blinked them away the best you could.

You were going to endure this.

Just for a month.

Uuuuugh I always write triggering imagines but I can't help that this is the stuff I can only come up with. And if you have sent in a request please be patient I will try to get them done but for now enjoy this douche bag Taehyung imagine.

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