Glucose Father- Namjoon Kim

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First off I apologize if you are much lighter or much darker than this, I honestly think these are white girls with tans 🙄 Anyways based off a sugamon smut
UPDATE:Smut is completely plagiarized because I wasn't comfortable writing smut at this time
Age swap:
Namjoon is in his thirties
You are twenty

"Please I really need the money"

You were begging Namjoon as he walked right pass you, you turned along with him and whined.

"Why do you need it?"

You closed your mouth, Namjoon looked up from his news paper "Did I not ask you a question?"

"I wanna move out of my apartment, my friend, I think she's jealous of the whole sugar baby thing and I can't deal with her anymore" you lied, Namjoon cocks an eyebrow "That's funny because I could have sworn you moved out on your own"

You sigh, how was he so smart all the time?

"Okay fine I'm trying to invest in a business of my own"

Namjoon stops and looks at you again, you continued "I wanna sell bundles...I realized how much money you spend on mine and how much all my friends do I could probably make a good profit out of it" you smiled.

Namjoon frowns "You know you don't have to work...I've got you secured y/n"

Nodding your head you said "Yes I know but I have to make some money on my own so..."

"So you won't have to come to me anymore?" He finished for you

Your eyes widened, you didn't even think of it like that, but now that you have it only made sense that you would stop coming to him for money because you had millions of your own. "...Yes"

Namjoon licked his bottom lip, "Well than you'll really have to earn that money" he growls unbuttoning his shirt and throwing it to the floor

Namjoon slowly approached you, his eyes holding an evil glint whilst his fists clenched and unclenched. Namjoon fisted the collar of your shirt, yanking your shorter frame towards his. His eyes wavered between yours, gritting his teeth. He let out a frustrated sigh and let go of your shirt, leaning his head back and massaging his temples.  "Up to the bedroom. Take off all your clothes and lay on the bed." He ordered cooly, his eyes staring off into space as he took deep breaths to calm himself.  "O-okay."

You obliged, rushing up the stairs and throwing open his bedroom door.  You quickly stripped yourself of your clothing and laid yourself in the middle of the bed, fiddling with the black silk bed sheets. Your breathing was heavy and your heart was racing. You were scared to say the least.
You nervously twirled your thumbs and chewed on your bottom lip, your mind swarming with assumptions.  The door creaked as it slowly opened, greeting you with an unreadable Namjoon. He entered the room, closing the door behind him. His eyes scanned up your body, lingering over your breasts for too long.
He let out a grunt of approval and strode towards you, opening a drawer of the mahogany nightstand and searching for something.  Namjoon discreetly pulled out an object that made your mind go crazy. He leaned over your shaking body and reached for your wrists, only to handcuff them to the bed.  You gasped at the cold feeling of metal digging into your skin. You yanked your wrists to test the strength of the cuffs, only to learn that if you did that it would come close to cutting open your skin.  You let out a whimper, knowing that he only used the hand cuffs if he was in a very bad mood. You momentarily closed your eyes, thinking about what was to come next.  Namjoon slowly crawled up your body, an anamalistic look on his face. His eyes shimmered with lust and frustration.
Namjoon gingerly kissed down your jaw, and trailed his lips towards your collar bones.  "I'm gonna break you tonight ." He growled making your eyes pop nearly out your head, his lips continue their sexually stimulative attack. 
A moan escaped past your chewed up lips. Your eyes squinted in pleasure, your mind turning into mist. You let out an unsteady breath, his assult already working into your body.  "Such a bad girl." He teased, his eyes momentarily meeting yours before his hand harshly came down on your core.  You gasped and slightly arched your back due to the sudden contact. You whimpered when he laid his hand on your stomach, pushing you back onto the mattress. Namjoon's eyes met yours momentarily and then darted towards your vagina. A bone chilling grin twitched onto his lips as he sucked harshly on your inner thigh.
He blew cold air onto your dripping core, earning a loud moan from you.  Namjoon licked a bold stripe up , your body shivering with pleasure. Your hands tugged at the hand cuffs, wanting nothing more than to tangle your fingers into his luscious white hair. Namjoon dipped his tongue into you which was a killer move. Your thighs clamped around his head, a chuckle heard below you. Your eyes shut and a feeling of fatigue washed over you from his actions. Namjoon continued to swirl his tongue. 
"Keep your legs open, baby girl."
He ordered, nibbling on your clit  "O-okay."
You squeaked, your eyes fluttering.  Namjoon suddenly stopped his actions and looked up at you angrily. He bit down harshly on your inner thigh, which caused your to grunt in pain. Then it clicked. 
"S-orry, daddy." 
Namjoon gave a groan of approval as he dipped his head back between your thighs and began to swirl his tongue on your  Your back arched and fisted the silky bed sheets, a shaky sigh exiting your mouth. Your thighs clenched and shook as your indescribable high began to approach at a lightening fast speed.
Your eyes snapped shut and a loud moan erupted from your throat. Just one more push and you'd reach your world of bliss and serenity.  Namjoon quickly pulled away, a large grin taking over his features. Anger rushed throughout your body as your entirety screamed for the much desired high.
"W-what the fuck?"
You exasperated, your mind not processing things.  Suddenly, you felt Namjoon's length penetrate your member, sending a loud groan past your lips. Namjoon's lips latched onto your neck as he left hickeys all over - claiming you as his.
"D-daddy! M-move!"
You panted, desperate for the craved friction.
  "Beg for it."
He spoke coldly, continuing to leave your neck covered in painful bruises. 
"D-addy! Please!" You almost yelled, the craving for his moments beginning to aggravate you.  "Good girl." He praised, capturing your swollen lips in a heated kiss. 
His hips slowly pulled back and quickly slammed into you, enticing a loud shriek. Namjoon pounded his length into you, the bed creaking as the head bored repetitively hit the wall.  "F-Fuck!"
You cried out, your member aching as waves of mindless bliss washed over your body. 
Namjoon gripped your hair and pulled your head back, giving him better access to your neck that was already painted with purple and pink.  His hips met yours roughly, the sound of skin slapping filling the room. Namjoon let out a low grunt, his pace not slowing down one bit.  "You've been a ungrateful fucking girl." He swore, biting harshly on your ear. 

Round five. This was your punishment - fuck 'till you drop. Your body was unresponsive and your mind wasn't able to process any bit of information. All you could focus on was the dull throbbing in your member and the extreme feeling of bliss take over your body. 
"Ah - ah... Ah, uh! Nnngh!"
Inhumane sounds tumbled out of your mouth as he continued to slam into you.  Namjoon had your front pressed against the wall as he smashed into you, his hands gripping your shoulders in a painfully tight grip.
"Eugh- Ah! Fuck!"
You screamed, your third orgasm ripping through your body and leaving your legs feeling like jello. 

"Do you want me to cum inside or on your back?" He spoke with slurred words, his own climax beginning to rake through his body.  "Ah, ah! Mm- Nngh!" Your mind was blanker than a paper. Processing his words was a difficult task.
  "Tch. Fine."
He said,giving you one last painfully harsh thrust as his hot seed poured inside you.  Namjoon slowly exited you which lead up to your knees buckling. He quickly caught you by your shoulders and lifted you bridal style, smiling at the dark bruises scattered across your neck.  Namjoon gently placed down your body with care, kissing your forehead whilst he covered you with the blanket. 

"I'll go clean up, okay?" He whispered, not sure if you were awake or sleeping.  "Nnngh..." Was your only audible response.

"Goodnight baby girl...You'll get your money in the morning"
He cooed, kissing your swollen lips. You swallowed hard before responding

"Thank you daddy"

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