Busy girl-Yoonjin

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You guys were thirteen when you were engaged and twenty was when you finally married, it was a grand wedding and took place the summer before your sophomore year of college, your boyfriend attended

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You guys were thirteen when you were engaged and twenty was when you finally married, it was a grand wedding and took place the summer before your sophomore year of college, your boyfriend attended. He sat in the back and as the clergy spoke you watched him fiddle with his fingers and pretend you weren't about to kiss another man in front of him.

After the wedding you two met in a bathroom and just talked things over before you went off to your honeymoon.

Neither of you wanted this wedding but jin would at least go with things traditionally. But because this wasn't the most ideal you knew the two of you wouldn't be sleeping together like how everyone thought.
"I saw you..." he says leaving the bathroom with a toothbrush hanging out his mouth, you rub lotion onto your neck and cheeks.


"He was at our wedding...sitting in the back like a fucking idiot and when you were supposed to be fixing your makeup I saw him walk in after you...did he fuck you in the wedding dress my mother-in-law gave you or something?"

You turn to him in disbelief, "What the fuck are you talking about Seokjin?!"

"I was fine with you having a thing on the side when we were just engaged but we are husband and wife now!" Seokjin slams a hand on the wall and you continue to watch him intently, "You're not just cheating on the boy you got engaged you at thirteen, you're cheating on your husband and whether you like it or not we're married now..."  he said with a calmer tone.

"I don't wanna have to question if our first child is mine or his...please"

You turn away and continue applying lotion, "...We didn't have sex, we didn't even kiss. I couldn't do it, not after kissing you" you get up and lay in bed immediately falling asleep.

The next morning you guys had breakfast in silence, he read the newspaper and you sat in silence, "Will this be like every morning?"

"...Well no when we have a child, she or he will keep us busy. We'll get them up for breakfast, talk about school etc" he said in a 'duh' tone.
"Do you really wanna have a child Seokjin?"

He hesitated before answering with his favorite line of all, "Well it's tradition..."

"My god! I know it's tradition but it fucking sucks...Yoongi brings that nonconformist in me-"

"I don't wanna talk about him..."

"You've had many girlfriends and boyfriends why is it that when I finally find someone it's a problem"

He doesn't answer...typical

You left the table and entered your bedroom seeing that your phone had just stopped ringing, quickly picking it up you realize it was Yoongi on his sixth phone call to you.
You answer with a smile "Morning..."

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