Girls,Girls,Girls-Namjoon Kim pt.2

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  🚨This is originally what I planned on writing and feel like this correlates more with the awareness I'm trying to spread
And this story just has ALLL KIIINDS of triggers so if you have any in general I just suggest not reading at all🚨

  🚨This is originally what I planned on writing and feel like this correlates more with the awareness I'm trying to spread And this story just has ALLL KIIINDS of triggers so if you have any in general I just suggest not reading at all🚨

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"Come on they won't let me in without a girl" Namjoon begs, you cock an eyebrow, "Why do they want you to bring a girl so bad"

Namjoon scratches his head, "Well I never thought about it, maybe they don't want a bunch of guys at one house party, come y/n please I need to get in their rap circle"

Namjoon was desperate, this was the rap group he wanted to join since he first heard about hip hop.

"Okay I'll go..." you shrug, feeling slightly sorry for him, "Yes thank you,thank you,thank you!"  He hugs you tightly spinning you around for a second before running off, he jogged backwards still thanking you and fist bumping.

And that's how you found yourself in the passenger seat of Namjoon's car, he was letting you hear a mixtape he made and to say you were impressed was an understatement, you knew Namjoon could rap and maybe this was the song he was gonna try and convince the group with.
"They'd be crazy not to choose you joonie"

He smiled before turning off the car, you guys look up at the house, it was completely still, no music, no other cars.

"What is this Joon?"
He looked just as confused as you were, "Maybe were early"

"It's midnight..."

His smile falters a little, before he forced it backing his lips "Let's just go..." he places his arm on your shoulder, Namjoon didn't want to disappoint them, he was scared that if he didn't come at all they'd choose Jooheon over him.
"Hey guys I'm here..."

He walks in as he held on tightly to you, you look around and see at least eight guys sitting on a couch, smoking weed and drinking alcohol.

      This was a party?

"Who's this little pretty brown thing" one of them said with an exaggerated urban accent, You cringed at both the nickname and his false twang, "This is my best friend y/n"
He smiles, "Are we the only people attending?"

"Jooheon gonna pull up too..."

Namjoon's smile fell again, you felt bad,Jooheon couldn't rap that well (Dont come for my neck guys it's just for the story) but he had the attitude of a rapper and Namjoon was to nice, he didn't act like the other guys in the group.
"Oh...let's sit y/n" Namjoon pulls you over to a couch, you sit near the arm rest and he sat next to the guy.

"How long you and rap monster been friends?"

"Rap monster?....who the-Oh you mean joonie?"

And the boys fell out in laughter, Namjoon smiles falsely, "Oh Joonie? That's what she calls you"

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