Succor-Namjoon Kim(6/6)

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The next morning Y/n stayed buried, she didn't want to leave Namjoon's room because she knew that his roommates were just downstairs and they would see her horrible ugly face.


Is what Kiji called her, well that's what he implied. And she unfortunately believed him,she even wondered how Namjoon could even allow her to lay down in his own bed.


She jumped at the tiny knock at the door she carefully looks over her shoulder "Yes?"

"Jin and Hoseok made breakfast and it'd really help knowing that you've eaten something" Namjoon said from behind the door with the softest voice he could produce, she's vulnerable right now and he didn't want to sound intimidating. "No I'm fine thank you" she lied just as her stomach grumbled

"I can hear your stomach through the door I'm going to make you a tray"

She mentally thanks him,she didn't want to go down there and ruin their breakfast with her open wounds. Moments later Namjoon came back and he hesitates handing her the tray of bowls and plates as he looked over her face again. "Thank you Namjoon...and I'm sorry"

"For what?" Namjoon bit his bottom lips.

"For intruding on you guys like this...I just had no where else to go, he knows where my parents live and he knows where my sister lives" she said feeling her eyes begin to water.

Their conversation was cut short when Jin comes in with a cup of orange juice, he stares at her and y/n looks at her food picking up the fork attempting to cover face with her hair, " I brought you something to wash it down" he hands the cup to Namjoon quickly and leaves.

Jin leaned his back against the door and looks at his friends who were anticipating his response, Jungkook whispers "So?...what's going on?"

He brushes his fringe away holding his tears back "Well, Namjoon was right" he walks away to go to the bathroom.

Y/n indulges, she hadn't eaten food she didn't make in forever. Namjoon sat at the foot of his bed watching her eat quickly
"He wasn't feeding you as well?"

"...I'm just hungry..."
All she would get to eat is a bowl of cheerios or the rest of his breakfast, Kiji did all the shopping and told her what to cook and what to eat. So to truthfully answer his question, yes he was starving her.
He watches her quickly shove food into her mouth, "If you get hungry again just go downstairs and eat the stuff that says my name" she nods, Namjoon watched flinch when she accidentally rubbed her eye.

Namjoon bit the inside of his cheek "Did you want me to report this to the police?"

That made her stomach churn, "No! it's fine i'll do it after you guys go to work, I promise"
You all know how her promises go.

After all the guys went to work, y/n was still hungry, she slowly made her way downstairs and opened the fridge to see so many different varieties of food and juice.
But she only tiny pieces of the things she saw had Namjoon's name on it.
For the first time in forever she had been full, and it was making her tired, she planned on taking a twenty minutes nap before going back into Namjoon's room so his roommates wouldn't see her.

Just as her eyes were slowly beginning to close and her body was falling into a sweet slumber until, a shoulder came in contact with the front door. Y/n jumped from her sleep and she instantly started crying, she got up and looked for the house phone to call the police

The guys didn't bother to buy a house phone because they all had one of their own, y/n sobs and runs up to his room.

'Kiji is at the door'

'Kiji is at the door and he's going to kill me'

'Kiji is at the door,he's going to kill me and get away with it'

She ran in Namjoon and Jin's shared closet and cradled her legs in there, y/n heard the door open and multiple foot steps. Her heart nearly stopped beating, he had his friends.

"Go upstairs!"
That voice didn't sound like Kiji but it still made a shiver run up her spine, it could be possible he sent people to find her and take her back. Y/n pressed her hands together and prayed

"Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Je-"
The closet opens and she sucks in a breath of air.
She sees a young black guy, His jaw fell, he reaches out for y/n but she recoils back the boy pulls his hands back and spoke "Hey, hey it's okay"

He turned his back and looked at the bedroom door, "Hey there's a girl in here!"

Two other black men came into the room and face y/n, she's now sure that these guys are not with Kiji but she still wasn't gonna trust them. "I knew something was up with those Chinese mother fuckers"
Another shook his head, "Coming for our women"

Y/n kept her mouth shut, "Are you okay?"

"Does she look okay...damn they beat her bad" he said to his companions, the man who voice matched the one that yelled downstairs spoke again "We're here to help alright just stand and-"

"Get down on the ground now!"

Police men burst through the door frame with their guns pointed the men's way, Jin and Namjoon run after them.

Namjoon jogs over to y/n and pulls her with him backing away from the men, "Are you alright? Did they try to hurt you?"

Y/n shook the her head but places her temple against his chest, "I'm-I'm f-ine" her voice shook

"Why are we getting arrested...those Chinese bitches raping and beating our black women!" the leader screams, the brown skinned policeman looks over at y/n and looks up at Namjoon.

"Lets go" he tugs on the chained up man's handcuffs and dragged him out along with with his partners.

Jin shook his head while rolling his eyes, "That guy just won't leave us alone"

Y/n exhales

"I thought it was Kiji" she gasped to Namjoon, he runs his hand up and down her back "It's alright It's alright"

"Are you sure they didn't hurt you?"

Y/n nods "They thought that you did this" she said looking down at her toes, Namjoon looks irritated. "I'm pressing charges on those men"

"...What happened"

Awkward silence, Namjoon scratches his head "Well uh Jimin slept with his daughter but what he didn't know was that she was a minor"

Y/n cringes, "Oh I'm sorry I asked" she looks at Namjoon, "They ruined the house" she said.

"It's just replaceables, I'm just glad you're okay" he hugs her, y/n stomach fluttered, for a second it sound almost like he...liked her

She melted in his arms,she knew for now she would remain in his arms to stay happy

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