First time- Taehyung Kim

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Light but raspy breathing was heard and the room held the intimate steams of two teenagers.

Y/n closed her eyes in pleasure as he drew his tongue from your core back up to your stomach. You didn't know what noises to make it was kind of to much for you but it was also just enough, Taehyung came back up with a smile that made you quiver.

"Lets get it started"

Y/n nods quickly and Taehyung pulls his underwear down and your eyes widened, you weren't sure if it were considered big...I mean this was your first.

He jerked himself a couple of times before spreading your legs with his hands and crawling closer, you shut your eyes in anticipation and wait. Then a kind of burning sensation starts you cringe a little, he didn't stop and continued pressing himself closer to you allowing his hips to meet yours.

"Ow wait Taehyung"

He opens his eyes "What you forgot the pill or something?"

You cocked an eyebrow, he continued talking "don't worry I slide on a rubber before we even started" Taehyung leaned forward to kiss your neck and push back in.

"No I mean, could you be a little gentler"

"Wait what?" Taehyung sat up completely, "This is my first time...I thought you knew that"

"You never told me!"

"I never even had a boyfriend Taehyung, you were my first everything" you mumbled the last part, Taehyung huffs out running his hand through his hair

"I'm sorry..." he said wetting his lips with his tongue, "Well you should know you taste good..."

You were beyond confused "Thanks?..." Taehyung blows raspberries. "I can finish softer if you'd like?"

"That would be nice"

And while you two finished Taehyung made sure every move he made he got permission and took caution with positions and certain areas

Now you two were cuddling under his bedsheets, he kissed your shoulder "Again I'm sorry I didn't mean for your first time to be painful"

"It's okay you made up for it in the long run"

You turned around and kissed his mouth, "May I taste you now?" You smirked, Taehyung smiles in response "Sure"

I think for the next chapter I may do one for Taehyung because we all know that boy is


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