Story 1--Cupid's arrow

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(Y/N): Your Name

Hiro: Hey (Y/N)! What's up?

You smiled as you read his text bright and early in the morning. It was just another typical day in the lab, and you were busily working with another project that your robotics teacher, Professor Callaghan, assigned for you for the week just as Hiro texted you. 

Truth be told, you and Hiro have hung out for a long while now, and it was interesting how you became the second person besides Hiro to enter SFIT at such a young age. You found that you had a lot in common with Hiro, and the longer time you spend with him, the more you couldn't help but fall for him. Little did you know that he developed the same feelings for you.

(Y/N): Oh hey Hiro. Not much. How about you?

Hiro: Oh, not much. Hey, Fred suggested for us that we should have a NERF battle outside during our study break this morning. Are you free at 10:30 today?

(Y/N): Yeah of course! And yeah, I have my NERF gear here. :)

Hiro: Awesome! So I'll see you at the SFIT courtyard at 10:30?

(Y/N): You bet! See you there! :)


And in precisely one hour, you were out of the lab and out of the robotics building slinging your NERF Revelle Strongheart Bow Blaster on your shoulder (along with refillable arrows) and holding up your NERF N-Strike Elite Demolisher 2-in-1 Blaster with many refillable bullets strapped onto your belt. The moment you were outside, you caught sight of the entire gang talking to themselves.

"Hey guys!" you called.

That brought their attention to you.

"Hey (Y/N)!" Honey Lemon cried, giving you a really tight hug. 

"Um, hey Honey Lemon," you replied. "Uh, too tight. Air."

"Sorry," she apologized, smiling at you sweetly.

"Well what do you say we get this NERF game started?" Fred asked.

"How would this work?" Tadashi, Hiro's older brother, spoke up.

" about we split up in pairs?" Gogo asked. "We do have enough to split into teams of 2, so 4 teams."

"Great idea," Fred nodded. "Hmm. How about this. Honey and Tadashi go together, me and Gogo, then Wasabi and Baymax, then Hiro and (Y/N) can pair up," Fred concluded.

"Dang it! Now I have the disadvantage of dragging Baymax all over the place!" Wasabi cried.

"Stop whining, woman up," Gogo simply told him.

As for you, you turned to Hiro and smiled determinedly. Hiro just gave you a sheepish smile, and you couldn't help but notice that he was blushing. Wait. Why would he be blushing? Am I just that badass enough to be too good for him?

"Alright!" Fred cried, clapping his hands. "So we can go around anywhere on this campus. The moment someone is hit, they have to return to the campus courtyard and sit. And yeah, that would mean for the other team member that they have to fly solo."

"Now I'm really at a disadvantage," Wasabi muttered, and you giggled.

"All clear? Any questions?"

No one spoke.

"Great! Let's go!"

So the entire team split up (with the exception of Fred and Gogo, who started off on the courtyard with their eyes closed). You and Hiro ran off to the right, while Tadashi and Honey sprinted left, and Wasabi and Baymax ran off to another area on campus.

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