Story 48--Under a Full Moon (2)

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It took a few months for you to fully relax and get into the lazy swinging atmosphere around SFIT and around San Fransokyo in general. To fully forget about the headlines about the three traumatized half-drunk men was difficult, but Hiro stuck true to his promise. He helped you pull through. And soon, you found yourself chatting with him and his friends and even his brother and aunt like you didn't have any care in the world. But even so, you were careful not to make any more mention of your secret. Little did you know Hiro had one as well...

Yet Hiro was suspicious about something. As the months went by, he noticed that after the full moon rose, the next day you would end up looking pale, feeling tired and drained out, yet at any other time you were happy and cheerful and bubbly. To him, you definitely didn't look like a random girl from London with a prim and haughty air--you were just a regular teenager who was laid back. And yet...something went amiss.

It wasn't until one day, when Hiro was talking to Baymax and Tadashi in their room back home, that Hiro realized what was happening.

"I don't know what's happening to her either," Tadashi admitted, taking off his cap in frustration. "I mean, does it always happen to (Y/N)? It's a miracle she isn't drained out."

"I have done some unapproved scanning for (Y/N)'s healthcare data," Baymax reported, which made both brothers turn to him. "On the external side, she seems to be very healthy for a teenager. But the data I received was very complex, unlike a normal human being."

Silence rang through the room for so long, one could probably hear Tadashi's hat drop to the floor.

"Shall I repeat what I just said?" Baymax asked.

Hiro shook his head. "No Baymax, it's okay. I..." Suddenly, his eyes widened as he remembered the headlines from a few months ago, as well as his very first attempted conversation with you. "Yo guys, you think (Y/N) was the werewolf she accidentally scared? No wonder she wanted me to turn her in to the police the day after! She could be!"

To this, Tadashi jumped up. "Hiro, you aren't thinking of seriously exposing her now, aren't you?"

"No no, I was only thinking..." Hiro got up and paced the room. "There's a reason why she wouldn't tell me about the scars on her wrist. They were the only things that ever got my attention, and it wouldn't leave my mind. Come to think of it now, there may even be a connection between (Y/N)'s scars and that night where the werewolf scared three men."

"So what can we do?" Tadashi asked his younger brother.

Hiro set his jaw determinedly. "Tonight's the last night of the full moon for this month. If anything happens--and I know when something happens--we gear up and demand for answers."


"Mom? What's the meaning of this?"

You arrived home on that same day from the lab to see a whole lot of suitcases piled up everywhere in the front foyer of the house. The radio was even blaring out loud from the living room.

"(Y/N)! I thought you wouldn't even come home!" your mom cried as she embraced you in a tight hug.

"Why? What's going on?" you asked. "Why are we packing? Where are we going?"

Your mom shook her head as she let go of the embrace. "I know you have a lot of questions, so let me get one thing clear. You know the werewolf who attacked you and gave you that curse? Fenrir Greyback?"

(A.N. I hope you did your homework and researched Remus Lupin. Consider Fenrir Greyback to be the exact opposite of him, though they only both share one similarity...can you figure out what that would be?)

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