Story 28--The dove and forge (part 4)

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(Y/N): Your Name

"You," you whispered, shock entering your eyes. "You were Phineas's first harpy."

The harpy spread her wings in pride. "Smart one you are, daughter of Aphrodite," she spoke, and you winced at her voice-it sounded like fingernails scratching on a chalkboard. "I am Freudes, first harpy to Phineas, son of Poseidon! Of course, I can't say much about him, eh? He's dead."

"And surprisingly, you're not," Hiro countered, drawing out an arrow from his sheath on his back. "Why do you keep plaguing my dreams? You don't even know how often I've seen you."

"Son of Hephaestus, correct?" The harpy, Freudes, turned onto Hiro with a death glare. "Didn't your friend already tell you? They're normal for you. Too scared to admit the truth now, eh? I have been haunting you for weeks on end now, in many futile attempts to break you. And break you I already have."

"Wait, what do you mean?" Hiro cried.

"You know exactly what I mean!" The harpy screeched with impatience as she flapped her wings again. "Your home town is now at war with us, the monsters of Olympus, and here you are asking for your girlfriend's arms around you!"

"SAY WHAT?!" you screamed, advancing towards her with your sword gleaming in your hand. "He's not-wait-what?!"

"Surprise, surprise!" Freudes cackled. "Didn't know I could tell the future, couldn't you?"

"Percy didn't say a thing about you!" you cried. "The only harpy I have ever seen was Ella, and even she was nicer than you!"

"Oh that cuckoo-brain of a harpy! Always reciting literature! She even got the Sybilline books memorized! Who cares!" Freudes cried, throwing her wings up in total sarcasm (if she could).

You shrugged. As long as you were talking, you were okay, right?

"Ella, Ella, Ella, that's all he ever ranted about!" Freudes cried again. "Gods, he would never shut up about her! Makes me feel even worse to be a harpy! Of course, I would be tortured just as often, but he wouldn't say much horrible things about me. Yet with Ella-"

"She has been bullied, you idiot," Hiro cut her off. "She has been constantly bullied by the rest of you."

Freudes turned to Hiro with a sneer. "Prove it."

"I told him," you shouted. "I told him what the Romans told me."

"Ugh! Them too! Levesque and Zhang, correct?"

You nodded.

"He's planning revenge now," Freudes told you quietly, leaning into you so that you were staring into her twisted eyes. "Don't you feel it? Didn't you see it? Poor Phineas wanted his life back in exchange for the souls of two young demigods. Ah, and who might we have here but just what we wanted-two young demigods?"

"Why do you want us?" Hiro shouted. "Why not, like, someone else?"

"Save the talk." Freudes then spread her wings again. "I've got a job to do."

With that, she flapped her wings and soared into the air, but not before grabbing each of you by the talons. You shrieked, eventually causing Blackjack and Scipio II to wake up and whinny in panic.

"BLACKJACK!" you screamed. "GET HELP!"

Blackjack neighed back, and you assumed he meant, Girl, I got this. Then they soared away. That was the last you saw of the Pegasuses before everything suddenly became a blur. You didn't dare look down, for fear that if you did you would be scared if the harpy dropped you. Hiro, in the meanwhile, tried desperately to grab onto your hand, but you were already curled tight into a ball, in fear that should the harpy drop you you would end up somersaulting in the air and land on your feet without breaking an ankle, the same way you remembered doing in training.

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