Story 19--Torn and Taped

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(Y/N): Your Name

(F/C): Favourite Colour

A blank page stared back at you invitingly as you opened your sketchbook to a fresh piece of paper. It was just another typical afternoon in the lab again, and since you were already finished your lessons and labs for the day and your next project wasn't due for another two weeks, you decided to pass the time by practicing your drawing skills. They weren't as stellar as you have hoped, but they passed nonetheless-at least, according to your standards.

But today, you were blank. After having drawn so much still life from the different projects you have created throughout your year in the lab as well as different Disney characters such as Olaf and Pascal and Mushu, you just didn't have any inspiration. You sighed, pencil poised over the page...and then, as if your hand moved on its own, you started to sketch something.

Time flowed as your hand kept moving along the page, you not even realizing what you are drawing or why this is happening just as you were fresh out of ideas. It was quite unexpected to you, since this has never happened in your artistic career. By the time the pencil was lifted off the page, you took a good look at what you have drawn, and then widened your eyes.

An image of your best friend, Hiro Hamada, stared back right at you, his arms crossed and his eyes looking at you wickedly, but charmingly.

Shocked, you closed the book, breathing hard. How could this happen? Here you were, fresh out of ideas, and now you have drawn a picture of your best friend to the finest detail, from the loose threads of his sweater to every single last tuft of his hair, and yet you didn't even know what happened. Even his shoes were drawn with the right shades of grey. But how...just how did this happen?

You were soon interrupted by a loud roar at your door, and you flew to the door and opened it to see Fred parading loudly through the hallways and then stopping by your lab with an enthusiastic smile on his face.

"HEY (Y/N)!" he cried.

"SHHHHHH!" you shushed him, looking around to see that no one else heard him. "What are you doing here? People could still be working around, you know!"

"Nah, they don't mind," Fred shrugged. "Hey, can I come in?"

You nodded. "Be my guest."

Fred sighed as he entered your clean lab, putting his sign down. "So, what have you been up to lately?"

You smiled. "Ahh, not much. Just, you know, more projects, chilling-"

"Is that your sketchbook?" Fred asked, pointing to your sketchbook laying on the desk, its (F/C) colour with (decals of your choice) standing out from the rest of the objects on your desk.

You nodded slowly, aware that you have never shown your friends any of your drawings before.

"Can I look?" Fred asked again.

"Go ahead," you said timidly, praying that Fred wouldn't come across the picture that you just drew of Hiro.

Fred grinned as he started to flip through the first few pages of your sketchbook, full of still life drawings from when you were still in high school. "Wow, (Y/N)! That looks amazing!" he exclaimed as he flipped through sketches of flowers and even some of your previous inventions before you entered SFIT.

You smiled. "You really think so?"

"Of course! Take it from me. I've been reading comic books with some good illustrations, but man, this beats even the best drawn monster I have ever seen in living memory," Fred assured you, beaming.

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