Story 31--Shining Star (part 2)

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(Y/N): Your Name

(time-skip to a few years later, when all of the gang is done with college)


Honey Lemon's squeal could be heard from the end of the street where Fred's mansion was, where the entire gang-except you-were hanging out. Glasses of iced tea were in the gang's hands, and everyone was simply soaking in the summer heat when Honey Lemon finally showed up, breathless, her phone in hand and her glasses slipping off.

"Whoa, someone's got herself overexcited," Fred remarked, getting up from his lawn chair and giving Honey Lemon a quick hug. "What's up?"

It took a few moments for Honey Lemon to catch her breath, and by the time she did she told everyone, "(Y/N)'s concert tour is stopping by San Fransokyo in three days! I'M SO EXCITED!"

"Wait, seriously?" This suddenly caught Hiro's attention as he set his glass of iced tea down, looking up at Honey Lemon with an air of sudden interest.

Honey Lemon nodded. "I thought you were her biggest fan, Hiro."

"I am!" Hiro protested. "I I didn't expect her to go so big."

"Did she ever contact you?" Gogo asked.

Hiro nodded. "She told me everything. But I'm just surprised you guys had ever expressed interest in (Y/N)'s celebrity life."

"We always have!" Wasabi cried, smiling. "I mean, heck, I still listen to her very first album till today! And I heard she has a whole bunch of new originals coming up."

"Heck, (Y/N) has an amazing voice," Gogo nodded. "And I agree with Wasabi. I have been listening to her albums non-stop."

"So what do you say we all head down to her concert and show her some support?" Fred suggested. "And Hiro, this may be your chance!"

"My chance to what?" Hiro asked blankly.

"Haven't you forgotten already?" Honey Lemon asked, rolling her eyes. "You like her so much, don't you?"

"But what if she doesn't like me back?" Hiro asked, a slight hint of frustration evident.

Tadashi, who has remained so silent until now, stopped sipping on his iced tea and said calmly, "There are other girls out there, Hiro. You can't always harp on (Y/N) and expect her to like you."

"But...but..." Hiro faltered, unable to think of a perfect way to protest.

"How about this. We'll all go. And maybe after the concert, if you can get the chance to talk to her, tell her then," Tadashi said.

Hiro smiled at his brother. "Thanks, Tadashi. I guess I'll do that."

"Not to mention it's a summer concert!" Honey Lemon squealed again. "I haven't been to one since, I don't know, FOREVER!"

"Yeah, does sound exciting," Hiro said passively, returning to his iced tea. Maybe Tadashi was right. If you really didn't like him the same way he did you...Shaking his head, he decided to brush the thought aside and enjoy the rest of the day with his friends.


"And a one! Two! Three! Four!"

The crowd started screaming as you started to jam away to your favourite single that you have ever written. Of course, this one was dedicated to Hiro, whom you still thought about even though you've been away from San Fransokyo for so long. It felt great to be performing in your home city again, to be able to see everyone once more. You weren't ready to let them down.

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