Story 62--A Telekinetic Hero

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(Y/N): Your Name

(F/C): Favourite Colour

(A.N. Happy 1st anniversary to Big Hero 6!! WOOT WOOT! So here's a special one-shot where you're doing something crazy with the team. Of course, I wrote a WHOLE LOT of one-shots revolving around that idea, but this would be absolutely crazily different. I got some ideas from "Matilda" here too.)

Not every child was born normally. 

Of course, you'd scoff and say "that's obvious!" And I don't disagree. There are the typical, ordinary kids who live life in their normal pace. But then there are also the extraordinary children that people hardly address, pay any attention to. Until that thing that makes you unique actually shows. Then, and only then, would people have some idea of who you are.

But no one has ever heard of anyone born with telekinesis...

...until you came along.

You weren't only a genius, as most people have seen. Having graduated high school at the remarkable age of 13, people didn't suspect a single absolutely out-of-the-ordinary thing, except for, well, your wit and quick mind. Even you didn't know about your telekinesis at the time. But once you got into SFIT, older people started bullying you, causing you to not only feel angry, but also sense something burn behind your eyes. Before you could blink, a water fountain would have spouted an angry jet of water, or a book could have flown off a desk and hit that person who bugged you so much.

"YOU DID THIS!" they'd scream. But you would just get up and run away, unable to explain your powers. As a result, you had absolutely no friends.

That was, until another boy your age came along.  

It was during one of those crappy days, just last year, when the older kids, this time, was picking on the boy you had only seen a few times in the halls. You were just heading out of class that day--another boring physics class, with a professor whose voice drones like a bagpipe--when you saw him being beat up by them. His face was looking purple and red from the bruises and blood that erupted from the blows, and you swore that he was also developing a black eye at a closer look.

Even though you hardly knew this boy, you felt something bubbling in your gut again. The anger was returning, and all you could see was red. Before you knew it, locker doors began to open and slam on their own accord, leaving the bullies with open mouths and wide eyes.

"This place is haunted!" one guy screamed, releasing his hold on Hiro's hoodie.

"LET'S GO!" another guy shouted, and then everyone ran away, leaving you panting for breath and for Hiro to look around wildly.

"Oh my god," you murmured, going over to him. "A-are you okay?"

The boy looked up at you. "I...I don't think so," he answered you flatly.

"You--you're Hiro, right?" you asked. "I've heard a bit about you. Your brother, mostly," you recalled. "I'm (Y/N)."

Hiro nodded and smiled as he shook your hand. "I'm Hiro. You're right. And...whatever you did back there, thanks."

You smiled back as you helped him up, feeling really happy that you weren't, for the first time, ridiculed for your powers. "No problem."

"Hey, you, uh, you free at lunch today? I have a few friends to introduce you to. I'm sure they'll love to see you," Hiro offered. "I mean, I've heard about you too. And I don't think it's fair that someone so extraordinary should sit in the shadows too." He then stretched a hand out to you. 

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