Story 49--The Last Picnic of the Summer

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(Y/N): Your Name

(Y/F/F): Your Favourite Food

(F/C): Favourite Colour

(Y/F/D): Your Favourite Drink

"(Y/N)? (Y/N)! Up up up!"

You groaned as you rolled out of bed, glancing over with sleepy eyes at the clock. It was already 1:30 in the afternoon. Yeah, of course you had to sleep in! It's the summer holidays, and school doesn't start till tomorrow--

Wait. Hold up. School starts tomorrow?!

You panicked as you bolted out of bed. How could half the day of your final day of summer suddenly go by while you were still in bed dreaming about summer romance? Yes, most of your dreams lately involved romancing with your long-time crush and best friend, Hiro Hamada. Ah, how much you wanted to be alone with the young prodigy--possibly just going on out romantic walks along the shores of a beach, having a picnic in the park, chilling out in a pool...even kissing him under the splash of bright stars...

"(Y/N)! I don't have all day here!" your mom cried. "I have something to tell you!"

"Coming!" you cried, snapping out of your reverie as you threw on your (F/C) t-shirt and a pair of denim shorts, leaving your feet bare as always as you ran downstairs, not bothering to fix your hair. "Argh, why DID I have to sleep in on the last day of summer?" you cursed yourself as you grabbed random pots and pans, even searching the fridge for leftover food and eggs for brunch. 

"So, you had something to tell me?" you asked your mom.

"Yes, I do. I just want to let you know that a certain Hiro Hamada called just while you were still in bed," your mother proceeded to tell you. 

"He WHAT?!" you cried, dropping an egg, which unfortunately made a mess on the floor as it landed with a SPLAT! He didn't just actually call now for something important, didn't he?

"He called," your mom repeated, smiling as she helped you clear up the kitchen floor. "He wanted you to meet him alone at the park outside of SFIT at 5:00 tonight."

"A-alone?" you stuttered, feeling your cheeks heat up. "Why?"

"He didn't leave me a reason," your mom said. "He just said, 'Is it okay if I met with (Y/N) tonight?' And of course I had to say yes. He's your best friend, isn't he?"

You nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, for sure."

"Is anything wrong, dear?" your mom asked.

You shook your head. "No no no, nothing's wrong," you said lightly in an attempt to pass it off as no big deal, shrugging as you turned on the heat of the oven to fry your eggs. "I was just surprised, that's all. Normally he'd want me to be with the gang."

Your mom nodded. "You know what, I found it a bit weird, too," she admitted. "You've spent most of the summer with your friends, right?"

You nodded. 

"Hmm." Your mom nodded thoughtfully and then looked down, deep in thought. 

"Why?" you asked, bringing the eggs off the pan and onto a plate along with some cold pizza from last night.

"Doesn't it ever occur to you how much you and Hiro know..." your mom smirked.

"MOM!" you cried, almost upturning your plate of food. "Not funny! Not happening!"

"Okay, dear, I was just teasing," your mom laughed. "Now eat up. If he wants to meet you at the park, you might as well look presentable!"

"What, you're saying that my t-shirt and shorts aren't presentable enough?" you protested through a full mouth.

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