Story 25--Fangirls and Paparazzi (part 2)

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The next morning you woke up just before the sun rose over the horizon. Carefully, you put on a grey hoodie and a pair of faded out jeans, putting on a pair of black Converse, and just for sake's sake you put on a dark blue baseball cap. You headed downstairs and grabbed an apple, stuffing it in your backpack, brought a few bills, and exited the house, making as little noise as possible.

Your feet tread silently beneath you as you made your way to the Lucky Cat Cafe, not one car or person in sight. Well, good. You didn't want anyone to think you were weird anyway, to be sneaking somewhere this early now, right? With each step you felt doubt increase, but you shook it off. This was for Hiro, and this was for your friendship and possible "relationship".

Soon, you reached the Lucky Cat Cafe, which was, naturally, closed. You quickly rounded to the back door and pulled out the spare key, which you found under the door mat, and unlocked the door with a quiet click, taking off your cap and shoes and tiptoeing up to the boys' room, chuckling softly as you took a good look at the two boys who were asleep in their respective beds. Tadashi was lying pretty still, the blankets on top of his sleeping form rising up and down with his breathing, a small smile on his face. However, Hiro was squirming around pretty violently in his own bed, muttering some indistinct things—that was, until you approached him.

"No...I told you...nnnggghhhhh...get away from me..."

His arms were flailing all over the place now, his legs kicking aimlessly. Quickly, you approached the bed and grabbed hold of his arms.

"NO! Get off! Get...OFF ME!" Hiro cried.

"Hiro Hamada, WAKE UP!" you whispered loudly and harshly. "It's...just a nightmare, okay? I'm here. Shh."

Hiro eventually surrendered when he felt your hands trap his arms, and then he turned to you, slightly surprised to see you around so early.

"(Y/N)!" he cried softly, so that Tadashi wouldn't wake up. "What are you doing here so early?"

You helped him up, your stony expression not changing. "Evidence."

Hiro nodded as he got out of the bed and started up his computer, showing you all of the messages the girls sent him.

"That's insane," you remarked, upon seeing all of the random tweets sent to him and the Instagram DMs. You cringed especially at the ones that hinted sex, and you shook your head in absolute disgust. "Even these ones make me want to puke...a bit."

"I know," Hiro moaned, slumping on the bed again. "Now I'm sure every one of these girls would be outside waiting to see me. I know it. And before you know it...I'll be making out with each and every single one of them BY FORCE!"

You nodded, joining him on the bed now, lying down and looking up at the ceiling. "I promise that won't happen, Hiro."

Hiro then turned his head and looked at you incredulously. "How do you know? And how would you be so sure about this? I mean, argh, how can I ensure that you would keep that promise?"

You turned your head to him too and cupped his face with your hand. "Look, I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what?" Hiro cried, almost waking his brother up.

"Shh, quiet down!" you scolded him quietly. "I'm sorry for hanging up like that last night."

"That's okay," Hiro smiled. "Did your parents have a good time?"

You nodded. "They came back fairly satisfied, alright." You then leaned in just a bit. "What were you going to say last night before we hung up?"

Now Hiro was completely unsure whether or not to confess before he made a complete fool of himself. Yes, you were here, finally, in this kind of situation that made you both feel awkward. He took a deep breath, turning a deep shade of crimson. "Um, (Y/N), okay, so the thing is...I know it's been three years...and it's kind of been a while...and it's kind of embarrassing, because I've never had the courage to admit it...but..." He closed his eyes and let the words escape his mouth. "I love you, (Y/N). I loved you the moment we first went out as best friends."

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