New Story in the Works!!

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Hey guys!

Thank you all for your suggestions! Don't be discouraged if you don't see your request up in the next few days--I'm really busy with other works at the moment and I feel like finishing a few more novels before I get back to this one. 

BUT I HAVE AN ANNOUNCEMENT! I really don't know if it's too early for Christmas thoughts, but I feel like writing a Christmas special specifically for Hiro X Reader! Call me weird and crazy, but I was thinking of this during my work shift in the library today. Here's a quick synopsis: 

You and Hiro have been best of friends since two years ago when you both got into SFIT at the same time, but that was all you saw each other as--geniuses at school, and best friends. But outside of the SFIT walls, you were also a professional ballerina, while Hiro was still a part-time bot fighter. The day finally came when you realized what Hiro was up to outside of school, and you were enraged that he kept his secret from you since your perception of him has always been a good kid never-gone-bad, while Hiro was angry that you never told him about your ballerina aspirations. But little did either of you know what you were both really doing for each other. Would the surprises be worth seeing in the end? 

Crappy summary, I know. But it's kinda where I want to go with it. It would be a short novella, but let me know if you guys want to see it, and I'll get started on it during exams. :) AND THAT WOULD BE MY MAIN PROJECT OVER EXAM PERIOD IN DECEMBER! SO YEAH! :)

Yeah that's it. Thanks for reading this.

Speaking of, what should the title be? I have 2 in mind: 

1. The Ballerina and the Bot Fighter

2. Past the Pirouettes and the Bets

Let me know which one is good and I'll use that one. :)

I'll hopefully have a request up soon. STAY TUNED!


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