Story 60--Till Death Do Us Part

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(Y/N): Your Name

(A.N. Okay I'm going to rant a bit right now, I just heard Ariana Grande's new single, "Focus", and I was going on Facebook and seeing all the comments on her single. Honestly I don't really care much about how her songs have evolved or if it sounds so similar, I personally liked it except the guy screaming in the middle of the song. It's just so addicting! Yeah, I didn't like the music video either, but whatever! I don't have a thing for music videos! :P Call me weird, but it's the truth. Ugh, people nowadays. What are you, music critiques?! Anyway, now without further ado, here's the chapter that I'm sure you are ALL looking forward to!

Oh, and this might be a bit similar to my 9th Tadashi X Reader shot, "A Dream Wedding", but don't get too offended, I'm trying! And this is a continuation from Story 57, just a head's up.)

A thin layer of sweat formed on your palms as you walked back and forth in your tent, heels clacking on the stone tiles outside SFIT. You were already prepared now in your beautiful white wedding gown, a strapless gown with a lace bodice, and a beautifully layered skirt, and by your mom's suggestion, roses were sewn near the hem of the dress with a ribbon at the edge to give the dress a fairy tale flare. Honey Lemon lent you a sparkling diamond and pearl clip to secure your veil at the back of your head, and on neck you wore a locket that Hiro gave you, studded with sapphires around the edge of the locket. Of course, that's what your entire relationship with Hiro probably had been--a fairy tale, with the hint of reality at the side. But right now, you were worried. What if everything you had with Hiro was nothing but an illusion, a trick of the mind?

Your mom entered the tent to see you pacing around. "You alright, (Y/N)?"

You shook your head. "Just...worried. Trick of the mind," you said lightly, laughing nervously as you fingered with the engagement ring Hiro gave you, twisting it around and around on your finger.The plans for the last few weeks have been going well, with all of your SFIT friends working hard to make sure that your wedding with Hiro turned out perfectly. Tadashi and Honey Lemon suggested the wedding altar should be outside SFIT, since this is where you and Hiro shared your most memorable moments. Honey Lemon wasted no time in finding the perfect gown, and Gogo even helped you with floral arrangements and seating plans. Wasabi and Fred also pitched in with finding a minister and booking a reception area, and Baymax invited EVERYONE that you and Hiro personally knew, ranging from SFIT professors to other friends that you made throughout the years, and even your family. It has been going so well, you didn't want it all to crumble at the last moment.

"He does," your mom whispered, going over to you and giving you a gentle hug. "He does love you. I always see it in his eyes."

"I...I just hope he wouldn't, you know...change his mind," you managed to blurt out.

"What would make you say that?" Honey Lemon and Gogo now joined you and your mom, and the former then gave you a genuine smile. "I've always seen Hiro with you. He really does love you, and I know he won't be the knucklehead to break that vow."

"Unless he does," Gogo smirked. "Then he'll have Tadashi to scold him."

You laughed as you tried your best imitation of Tadashi now. "What were you THINKING, you knucklehead?!"

This set everyone laughing, and you even felt your fears melt away with the small throng.

Too soon, the bells began to ring--of course, Fred had volunteered to play the chimes--and your father now showed up, gently ushering the other 3 women away. Then he faced you, and smiled.

"(Y/N) beautiful you look today," he said, a smile decked on his face.

You nodded, picking up beside you the bouquet that Tadashi and Honey Lemon cut for you, sniffing the bouquet once. "Yeah. Thanks, dad. I can't believe the day has finally come."

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