Story 13--Self-defense (part 3)

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(Y/N): Your Name

(A.N. This is the last part...hehehhhhh)

A few days later, Hiro signed up for another bot fight in the same alley against the famous Tosuka, known as the champion of bot fighting in Los Kyoto (mix of LA and Kyoto), much to Tadashi's dismay and your shock.

"Come on, (Y/N), I might as well get some more money out of this. It's so lucrative!" Hiro cried excitedly.

You rolled your eyes as you heard Hiro say this. "Are you sure about this? You're going to get caught again, and I'm still concerned with your self-defense skills. What if they beat you up and you don't remember anything I taught you? That would be a disaster now, won't it?"

"Well...I suppose so." Hiro scratched his head. " you want to come with me?"

"And get me arrested?" you asked deliberately, folding your arms. "I don't think so."

"Oh come on, maybe we can get out again like we did last time," Hiro smiled. "I trust you completely."

"What the hell would make you trust me?" you demanded.

"You seem to know your way around the streets," Hiro winked slyly. "Maybe we can get out of a cinch."

"I highly doubt it, but I'll go with you nonetheless," you finally decided.

Hiro's eyes widened. "Really?"

"Anything for a friend, right?" you shrugged.

What you didn't expect was for Hiro to throw his arms around you. "Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you so so much!"

You laughed and gently removed his arms from your body. "No problem, bro. Anything for you."


"Who's next to challenge me?" Tosuka bellowed as he held up his bot and cash up high in the air just as you and Hiro reached the ring that evening. Tosuka was not particularly attractive--in fact, he looked worse than Yama. He was wearing a dirty white tank top full of oil and petroleum smudges, and he was wearing paint-stained jeans. He was much more lean than Yama, but his arms were grimy, like he had been working with car engines the whole day.

"I'd like to face you," Hiro said boldly, stepping up with his megabot in hand while you remained hidden with your hood over your face, keeping your head bowed, completely unrecognizable to everyone else.

"Oh, really?!" Tosuka roared, laughing uproariously. "And what might your name be?"

"Hiro Hamada," Hiro stated, not even paying any attention to the snickers all over the alley.

"Oh, you," Tosuka snarled. "I recall you as the one who defeated Yama, the bot fighting champion in your town?"

Hiro nodded without any sign of fear.

"Alright then. Prepare to bow down," Tosuka sneered, and the whole crowd laughed in humiliation again, though you, as stoic as you acted, felt the longing to strangle every single person present in the alley.

The two of them headed to the ring and placed their bets. This time, Hiro just put the point right out that he could use his megabot for anything. He dodged and started doing interesting moves with his megabots, even using some of the new things he learned from you to take the enemy bot down. When at last the match was over, Hiro decided to mock Tosuka the same way he did Yama, and even added a couple cartwheels around the ring to signify a victory lap.

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