Story 44--Under a Full Moon (1)

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(Y/N): Your Name

(H/C): Hair Colour

(A.N. Please don't take this as a sappy romantic one-shot. It would be very different from what you expect. Also I'm taking a Harry Potter spin somewhat, so yeah. If you don't know the name Remus Lupin, please search him up before continuing with this story.)

"Rumours have been spreading all over the city last night as a werewolf has been spotted just outside the city. A group of half-drunken men have been driving home when the said creature has been discovered in the woods, pulling them out of their stupor. Thankfully, none of the men are injured; however, they have been greatly traumatized. Werewolves are not common around here in San Fransokyo, so police and security are now putting up several safety precautions. Should any of you encounter this werewolf, please call 911 immediately and let us know."

This piece of news was the only thing that was on Hiro's mind as he made his way to SFIT. A werewolf? What in the world was that, and how could it have suddenly made an appearance? The most he heard and knew about them was through his best friend Fred's comic books about Wolverine and maybe somemore monsters here and there, but to hear they existed in real life...

He shivered, even though the day was relatively warm. It has to be fake, he thought. But he couldn't shake away what happened last night--being awoken as a howl pierced through the night, though when he asked his brother Tadashi about the occurrence he mentioned he was drunk in sleep.

So much for being an awesome supportive big brother. Who would believe Hiro now?

"Ah, Hiro!" The new robotics head, Professor Gauss, greeted him with a smile as he entered the lab. "How fares you today?"

Hiro shrugged. "Morning, Professor Gauss."

"Distracted, aren't we," Professor Gauss asked him gently.

Hiro nodded. "The whole werewolf's really getting to me."

"I know just the kind of thing to get your mind off," Professor Gauss promised. "Come with me."

She lead him through the halls and all the way to an empty lab. Well, almost empty, for that matter. Once she opened the door, he was faced with a slightly pale and fatigued young girl with (H/C) hair falling in front of her face. She wore nothing but a pair of jeans and a hoodie--a typical teenager's outfit--and her eyes were cast to the floor.

"Hiro, this is our new student, (Y/N)," Professor Gauss introduced him to you. "She's been pretty lonely, shy even since she got here. Why don't you talk with her for a bit and see if she'll open up. I've been pretty worried about her."

Hiro nodded and smiled wanly. "Don't worry, Professor. I'm a friendly one. Hopefully she'll open up to me."

Professor Gauss smiled back and patted him on the back. "I knew I can count on you, Hiro. Good luck."

And with that, she left, and Hiro entered your lab cautiously.

"Um, hi," he started off carefully.

You turned to the general direction of his voice, brushing your hair off your face and unsuccessfully trying to tuck it behind your ear. Several heavy locks of hair still fell across your eyes. "Who are you?"

"I am a student here at SFIT, like you," Hiro said, flashing his signature tooth-gap smile. "My name is Hiro. And you're (Y/N), right?"

You nodded silently. "Yeah. I am. The all-so famous (Y/N) who is probably known for nothing but a crime."

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