Story 5--Masquerade

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(Y/N): Your name

"Hey (Y/N)!" your mom greeted you one day after school. "How are things?"

You smiled as you closed the door. "Hi mom. Things are going alright, just, you know, the same...homework, and a reminder that there is band practice tomorrow."

"Well, I'm sure everything would look up soon," your mom encouraged. Then she held up a plate of (Y/F/Fruit). "You want some?"

"Sure. Thanks mom."

You took the plate to the kitchen table and started digging in when your phone suddenly gave off a DING! Instantly, you frowned. Who would be texting you at this time? Sighing, you retrieved your phone from your backpack and a text from Hiro, your childhood friend, pops up.

Hiro: Hey (Y/N)! How are things going along? I'm sorry for not being able to talk with you in a while. Things have been getting so busy at SFIT I don't know how I'd even fit some time to fly with Baymax anymore! Hehee but that would be another story. Anyway, so there will be a Masquerade Ball at SFIT this weekend. Apparently according to my brother, it's like a party where people wear masks and stuff. It's kinda like this party, right? Correct me if I'm wrong. But anyway, we're allowed to bring guests. I might come over later today to ask you this personally, but do you want to be my date for the masquerade? Hope you can get back to me soon!

You read this text with shaking hands, unsure of how to answer this. Did Hiro just ask you out to a dance?! Inside, you were screaming. But on the outside, you tried to keep your cool. As much as Hiro is your best friend, he is also your confidant, and you can tell him anything. But over the years you somehow developed a strong feeling for him...something that people call a "crush".

That can't be possible, right? Hiro was way too smart for you, and as good of a friend as he may be, he was also a genius. He doesn't even go to your school! But something made you deny your liking for him...

Your fingers hovered over the small keyboard on your phone when the doorbell rang, and immediately, you put your phone down on the kitchen table and flew to the door to see...Hiro and his brother, Tadashi, standing outside the door.

"Hey Hiro! Hey Tadashi," you greeted them with a wide smile on your face.

"Hi (Y/N)," they waved back.

"What's up?" you asked them.

Tadashi nudged his younger brother. "Um, well, it's more on Hiro, not me." He then looked inside the house. "Is your mom busy?"

"Not really," you replied. "If you like, you can help her with dinner tonight."

Tadashi beamed. "Sounds good." He then took off his sneakers and entered the house, greeting your mom with a smile. In the meanwhile, you put your shoes on and approached Hiro, who was still outside.

"Hi Hiro," you spoke softly. "Thanks for the text. It was super sweet of you to ask."

Hiro gulped and shuffled his feet. " you go out with me then? Just, you know, as a guest, or something. That is, if you don't mind."

You couldn't help but notice the faint pink flush on his cheeks. Why would he be blushing? Did he...

"Hiro, what's wrong?" you asked. "I don't normally see you as the nervous one."

Hiro motioned for you to follow him to the end of the street, and you did so, stopping at the intersection of your street and another neighbouring street.

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