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Hey guys! Okay, I know I put a WHOLE LOT of author's notes here, I know most of you skip them. But this is absolutely important so read up. PLEASE.

Lately I've been feeling a little bit off. Kind of expected, huh? If you've read my ask and dare book, you'll see why. I don't feel like explaining again. But let's just sum it up and say it now that I'm feeling a little bit depressed since then. That was why I haven't updated this at all. 

Also another thing: I'm leaving the Big Hero 6 fandom for a bit.

I KNOW I KNOW! I'm pretty sure most of you are following me BECAUSE of my Big Hero 6 fanfictions! Sacrifice for Love and the rest of those series, my one-shots, A Helping Hand, etc. etc. You guys have been amazing supporters for these stories, and for that I'm forever grateful. But I don't only want to write about Big Hero 6 and let that take up most of my profile. In fact, I'm not only one huge fan of Disney and Big Hero 6, but also Harry Potter, the Hunger Games, and a bit of Divergent as well (though I have never read or watched anything after the first book). Is there anything wrong, may I ask, with branching out of the BH6 fandom for a bit just to try something new? This is why I started my Hunger Games X Reader one-shots, this is why I wrote a Peeta X Reader novel too! I understand if all you want is BH6, but I want some variety on my profile, just as I want variety here. So cut me some slack right now, because at this rate I don't know when I'll update this or any BH6 book ever again.

And I'm busy at school. I've got co-op interviews looming already, I've got assignments due after a long weekend, and I'm already falling behind.

I'm sorry if I already sound really mean and pissed off and angry and frustrated, but this is the truth, and if you are expecting me to update and keep playing nice, it won't be easy for me to anymore.

So yeah. That being said, I will touch less on this book now and maybe turn over to my Hunger Games fanfictions for a bit until I can find some inspiration to come back.

That's it for now. See you on the next update.


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