Story 46--A "Shakespearean Descendants" Kind of Story (1)

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(Y/N): Your Name

(Y/L/N): Your Last Name

If you are to ask me right now about what a child would go through in the early stages of life, my possible response would be: "They are probably experiencing their 'first times' with the world around them." And that could be true. Most of everyone's 'first times' are experienced in their childhood. They could be young, but children never forget their achievements along the road.

You, however, are different from these children. As a young girl, you weren't exactly cut off from every single"first time", but when it came to making friends, it was hard for you to find even a first friend. There were reasons why your mom kept avoiding her nextdoor neighbor when you were younger. Reasons why she and your dad trained you hard to excel in school at an early age, to become super smart in everything.And as a young girl, well, you never wondered why your parents were like this. You just assumed that the neighbours next door were probably just evil,or mean, or...had a rough history with your parents, thus resulting in a lifelong grudge.

Come to think of it now, that last reason I listed is actually the correct reason. The next-door neighbours I speak of are the Hamadas—Jillian, Tsukada, and their two sons, Hiro and Tadashi. Back in her university years at SFIT, your mother and Tsukada Hamada have been rivals, competing for the top spot on the Dean's honour list in Science and Technology. The rivalry became so popular that pretty much everyone at SFIT and around your street knows about it, even took sides to the rally as the years went on. In the end, Tsukada earned the highest average in the graduating class, leaving your mom to take second spot and a heavy bitter heart.

"But mommy, surely second place is better than no place, right?" you would say, every time your mom brought up the subject. "If this was a competition, you would have gotten a silver medal."

"I got no scholarhips," your mom would snap. "I had no money, no confidence, to jump start my career. I almost lost all hope after seeing Tsukada get scholarship after scholarship, award after award. My dreams were almost crushed, (Y/N). But be glad your dad was there to save the day." Your mom would then grasp onto your shoulders and make you gaze hard into her eyes. "Listen well, (Y/N). The world is full of people. There'll be nice people who are genuinely kind and helpful. But there'll also be people who wish to purposely break your heart, crush your future till there's nothing left. All I ask, (Y/N), is for you to prepare yourself for these kinds of people. They would do whatever they can to make you lose sight of your goals. Promise?"

You nodded obediently. "Okay, mommy."


Years flew by, and soon you were ready to go off to SFIT. Unlike everyone else you know, your sharp mind and genius pulled you farther and farther ahead in the course of primary and secondary education, and by the age of 13, the typical age for a child to enter middle school, you have finally graduated high school with a very high average of 98.7%, and immediate acceptance to SFIT. During these years, you completely forgot the Hamadas ever existed.

That was, until that very first day you entered the campus.

"Now, don't forget what I told you," your mom warned you as you exited the car outside of the main campus hall. "Beware of the people who wish to crush your hopes and dreams."

You groaned as you pushed the hair back from your eyes. "Mom, do we REALLY have to go through this again?"

"Oh sweetie," your mom gushed. "You know how much I care for you!" She gave you one final kiss on the cheek and started the engine. "So...see you after school?"

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