Story 35--A Castaway's Decision

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(Y/N): Your Name

(E/C): Eye Colour


"(Y/N)!" Hiro cried as he reached his hand out for yours.

"Hiro! Be careful!" Aunt Cass and your mom warned as they ran towards him, as he leaned dangerously over the railing. Rain was pouring hard, even harder now as thunder rumbled and lightning flashed through the night sky, and you were only trying so hard to keep yourself afloat, since you were knocked off the ship by some inexplicable force. Yet your ten-year-old legs, as chubby as they could be, didn't do much help. You were constantly sinking then resurfacing, sinking then resurfacing...

"Hiro, don't go!" you cried, reaching your hand out as well as far as it could go. But your hand was just inches away from Hiro's when another wave rolled between you and the boat, and soon the distance between you and him increased, greater and greater with time, and you eventually stopped fighting. Fatigue overtook you as you sunk back into the depths of the ocean, bubbles escaping your mouth, as your eyes registered nothing but black and green...


The next moment you opened your eyes, sunlight was pouring right from the sun into your eyes, and you shielded them. Yet something felt weird. Instead of the bed in your stateroom, you were lying on something grainy. Something...sandy.

Slowly, you got up and looked around. Tall green tropical trees that you have never seen before loomed over you, and the ocean lapped just at your ankles, glittering a crystalline blue. To your right lay your suitcase-how it also managed to get here was a question to you, since you only recalled yourself falling into the water and haven't seen your luggage since. Probably got thrown over the window due to so much force. Exotic birds soared above your head. You looked down, and groaned at the sight of your clothes-your nightgown, the only pretty thing your parents could actually afford, was ruined-drenched and torn into tatters.

Suddenly, a croak caught your attention, and you perked up as you stood, walking to the source of the sound. To your surprise, a small parrot-a baby Macaw?-with beautiful red, blue, and green plumage laid on the shores of the island. You knelt down and looked closer to see that it was only unconscious-its wings and its body were fine, but you could barely make out a heartbeat. Tenderness filled your heart as you stayed on the shores taking care of the bird, performing some gentle CPR until you saw its eyes open, and it jumped up into your palm, squawking out a word of thanks.

"Aww, no problem, little guy," you smiled, gently running a finger through its soft feathers. Surprisingly the bird enjoyed it, and it leaned against your hand, closing its eyes in content.

"You like me, don't you," you smirked.

The bird nodded.

"Alright then," you decided happily. "You can stay with me. I'll call you Flynn."

**********PRESENT DAY************

"Morning Flynn," you greeted your pet bird one morning from your makeshift tree house.

Flynn, now having fully fledged into a grown-up scarlet Macaw, squawked out a greeting in response as you got up from your bed, stretching.

So much has changed since you landed on the island five years ago. You managed to exchange your nightgown for a white summer dress, your hair tied down in a side braid and a flower decked in the side of your hair, and you went around the island completely barefoot. You even became more fit as time flew, what with you making your shelter and climbing trees for food and running through the trees, even swinging on the vines once in a while as your confidence gained. You managed to push away all the memories of your past life-your past life in San Fransokyo-and you weren't willing to revisit them at all. You weren't willing to see anyone, even.

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