Story 2--To be a Bot Fighter

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(Y/N): Your name

(F/C): Favourite Colour

(This would have to go in editing mode because it's written in such a rush)

To be a bot fighter is to know which parts to use

To be a bot fighter is a thousand bolts and screws...

"There. Finished."

You pulled away from your desk space to see before you an impressive robot ready to enter the bot fighting ring. The bot was similar to your best friend's, Hiro's, except yours had a rotating sharp blade on one arm that could detach itself whenever needed to give your enemy bot the worst slice of its life, and also included a trident-like arm with multiple prongs in (F/C) steel so that it could launch itself with one press on your remote and give the enemy bot a nasty stab. Like Hiro's bot, speed is one of your bot's assets, and it could move around and do some interesting parkour around the enemy bot. You finally adjusted the small robot head, and grinned. Time to test your bot out!

Suddenly, you heard the doorbell ring in front of your house. Quickly, you hid the robot under your desk, and ran to the front door.

"(Y/N)? Where have you been?" your mom asked you on the way down.

"In my room! Doing homework!" You gave her a sheepish smile before opening the front door to one other than your best friend, Hiro Hamada.

"Hiro? What are you doing here?"

"Hey (Y/N). Um, nothing?"

"You're hiding something behind your back, aren't you?" you asked him in suspicion.

"Oh. It's megabot," he confessed shyly, holding it out to you.

"You're not telling me you're going bot fighting?"

Hiro sighed. "Okay well yeah, of course I am! But that's just so--"

"You can get your own name out there as the best bot fighter ever? Don't you remember the time you almost got beat up and got arrested?" you asked him angrily.

"So what? That doesn't stop me from feeling all that surges of victory!"

"You're going to get yourself beat up for this again, and not from the bot fighters this time!"

"Try to stop me then, (Y/N)!" Hiro shouted, storming away.

You shut the door, sighing as you tried to figure out what to do. You remembered your bot upstairs, and immediately went back up to your room, grabbed your bot and remote controller, and headed outside again.

"(Y/N)! Where are you going now?" your mom cried after you.

"I need to apologize to Hiro," you finally said. "I messed things up."

With that, you grabbed a jacket and put on your sneakers, and ran out.

The sun was almost completely set by the time you got out of the house. You looked around for a bit before you spotted Hiro at the corner of your street.

"Hiro! Wait!"

Hiro turned around to see you.

"Oh hey, (Y/N)," he mumbled. Then he saw your bot. "'re not telling me that YOU'RE going to bot fight too?"

"I'll admit it," you finally said. "I don't want you to get beat up alone. If we get beat up, we'll be together."

The way you said that last bit made yourself feel uneasy all of a sudden. You have known Hiro as a friend, and nothing more. What made you feel like sticking up for him like that if you didn't know how he feels towards you? In your head, you chided yourself for saying that, but Hiro smiled.

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