Story 32--Shining Star (part 3)

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(Y/N): Your Name

(A.N. This is the final part of the request! I'll get this done, and then maybe try my hand again at original one-shots.)

You sighed as you changed your clothes in preparation for tonight's "date" with Brandon. You exchanged your night gown for a black skirt and a white blouse. Tied your hair up into a ponytail. Put on as minimal of makeup as possible. Looked at yourself in the mirror one last time. Yes, you were still (Y/N)...the oh so famous singer that everyone has come to know and love, but still a young girl at heart who still has no idea how to cope with things.

Sighing, you held your phone and looked at the image of you and Hiro for the last time. It took all your will not to start spilling the tears out again, for who knows what Hiro would be going through at this very moment. All the day you have tried your best to move on, but your heart refused to listen to your thoughts. Memories of what happened the previous night kept replaying in your head, and you tried to brush them aside but you couldn't. You just couldn't.

"Hiro hates me," you whispered to yourself, sighing as you locked your phone, putting it in your purse. "He'll never come back."

In that moment, you knew you had to give Brandon a chance. Maybe you were a bit too desperate now for love. But if Brandon promised, you might as well let him show you. Who knows, maybe after a bit of time with him, you would finally be able to move on from Hiro.

Yes. You were never able to admit it to Hiro, but you liked him just as much as he did you. Yet you would never dare say it to him while you were on tour because that would just sound so weird.

Straightening your shoulders, you emerged from your room, headed downstairs, and waited outside for Brandon. The wind lifted your hair up gently, and you managed to keep yourself composed. If he cares for you, he'll keep his promise, right? Yet after several minutes, there was no sign of him-not even a flash of red hair, nothing.

"Fine. I'll go myself," you thought.

Of course, you already figured out where Brandon wanted to meet you. You have been to that Japanese place countless of times whenever you were with Hiro and the gang. How else would you be able to get there within less than 10 minutes without having to ask anyone around you how to get there? Soon you caught sight of your truck, and you only bit your lip in doubt as you passed by.

Was a celebrity life even worth your time?

Soon, you came across the Japanese place. But the sight that greeted you was a bizarre one-yes, you somehow came across a couple kissing passionately, heatedly, outside. That wasn't just any couple though. You caught sight of the guy, his red hair glinting in the fading sunlight, his lips locked with a very pretty blonde, his arms around her waist.

In that moment, you didn't know what to feel. Conflict? Betrayal? Emptiness? Anger? Fury? You felt your fists clench as you stepped up to Brandon and punched him-HARD-on the cheek, which made him pull away from the blonde.

"(Y-Y/N)?" The shock in Brandon's voice wasn't convincing enough for you to believe that he was actually really surprised to see you.

"Brandon," you greeted him angrily, your teeth clenched hard. "So this is what you mean by 'showing me that you love me'? You just made out with another girl in front of me!"

"Whoa, how was I supposed to know that you would show up?" Brandon demanded.

"You texted me the time!" you cried. "Or did that suddenly slip from your memory?"

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